it really is a story about corruption:

“‘There is a big wealth concentration in the world, which means that those people will more and more demand more exclusive products and more exclusive projects,’ Ziad El Chaar, DarGlobal’s chief executive, told real estate developers in France this year.”

oh, and Trump too, of course.

ht @dangillmor

i’m at a phase in life where the human condition comes to seem ever more tragic with each passing day and year.

i’m looking forward to arriving at a different phase of life.

@failedLyndonLaRouchite ( i guess i mean a secondary definition, "imperfectly formed or formulated" )

screenshot of linked dictionary definintion of screenshot of linked dictionary definintion of "inchoate"

twitter has substantially replaced the once inchoate public square with some hybrid of pro wrestling match and unscrupulous tabloid. when i think of the fraction of my life i gave to that site, of all the musings i posted to help make it, i just want to vomit and repent.

Well put by : "companies in similar industries have entered into a toxic equilibrium where all of them offer lousy service in identical ways."

“draculizing humans” is a great coinage for so much of contemporary life. ht @GreenSkyOverMe

a kind of simultaneous comment on meta (facebook) in the fediverse and certain strands of yimby-ism.

i regret to inform you.

oh, but i saw a thread once debunking that.

“You can’t define a word that means nothing with a term that also means nothing. That’s like me saying, ‘Well, we know what flarpitude is, it’s a form of horticultural Taoism.’” ht @Bwheatnyc @CassandraZeroCovid

@failedLyndonLaRouchite @SteveRoth (this is the very first time i've encountered her.)

@failedLyndonLaRouchite @SteveRoth well, i kind of favor bloggish prolix sloppy writing myself!

Compare "Cocytarchy" with kakistocracy.


ht Thom A & @SteveRoth

hierarchy (lowerarchy?) as a pit rather than a pyramid certainly is evocative.

putting aside the grander comparisons (the army and civil service stuff seems a stretch), if you take the description of prison gangs seriously, reforming prisons to become smaller, to form communities governable and governed in a more civilized way, should be a first-order tough-on-crime priority!

there’s a game of thrones in play between a clique of tech plutocrats and aspects of the traditional political establishment. the tech plutocrats strategy is to undermine traditional approaches to social coordination by undermining the credibility of as much information as possible that might otherwise become authoritative. (remember authority and truth are distinct ideas, but social coordination depends upon authority and works best if it’s reasonably though never perfectly aligned with truth.)

whether or not the paperclip maximizer has achieved consciousness is a little bit beside the point.

we all agree it’s very clear who is to blame. we just don’t agree who is to blame.

it’s natural to other those who other you, but where does that take us or leave us?

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i find it very frightening to be afraid, so i consider myself something of a phobophobe.

“The investment surge resulting in part from Mr Biden’s policies so far looks like the opposite of pork-barrel politics: most of the money has gone to places that do not favour him.”