@cshentrup neoliberal models tell a really hopeful story about how markets work under the assumption of a close approximation of perfect competition. in the real world, there are lots of things that prevent such an approximation from holding. some of it is physical — Schumpeter famously pointed out that the corner store thrives due to the market power its proximity to some customers confer. 1/

in reply to @cshentrup

@cshentrup "break 'em up" is not always and everywhere the right solution (though we should be doing a whole lot more of it!) but in general we face this challenge: if we want markets to be prosocial, they have to be in fact, not in theory, vigorously competitive, and we'll know that because extraordinary profits will be transient rewards, not permanent franchises. how do arrange that without killing other geese requires detailed attention by industry, i think, rather than broad strokes.

in reply to self