Today in common claims that are almost always lies: "I hate to say I told you so, but..."

With LLMs integrated into search, instead of diving into quirky, sometimes conflicting sources that distinct, disagreeing, often disagreeable humans may have written, we'll get professionally digested executive summaries.

And we'll all be as stupid as executives.

are there services that let you build your own RSS feed to consume (ie like a podcast playlist)?

rather than mess with subscriptions and queues in a mobile app, i’d like to just design my feed at home and let that fred become my radio station.

in my dream i was trying to get the politics to typecheck.

this period will be precious to you just like all the other periods that were distracting and exasperating when they were your present but now you see the photographs and pine.

life is lived in reverse chronological order, but we experience it backwards.

This account (by an alum, of course) of New College and what DeSantis is thoughtlessly destroying is better than most of the culture-war stereotyped journalism on the subject.

a much requested and i think soon-to-be feature for LLMs will be to “bring the receipts” in the form of citations to the material on which its bloviation is based.

a useful side effect of that will be to make obvious that with a sufficiently large corpus to draw from, you can “bring the receipts” for just about any claim. 1/

artificial sophistry’s virtue is to remind us how persuasive pure sophistry can be, that in a world of motivated persuasion masquerading as analysis, mostly you should be humble about how certainly you think you know things. /fin

in reply to self

Despite plenty of hard drive space, pops up this notification to me almost daily. I've gone around with their customer support. There's no way to turn it off (except by denying notifications at the OS level, which breaks their offline hard-drive backup feature).

They say it's technical, but with ~140GB free I perceive it as an upsell. Am I the only one really annoyed by this?

I'm very open to resistant alternatives to .

Dropbox Notfication: Your hard drive is almost full / Free up hard drive space without deleting files by making them online-only. Dropbox Notfication: Your hard drive is almost full / Free up hard drive space without deleting files by making them online-only.

is it a meaningful security risk if a server publicly exposes its pid?

“There are plenty of things that cannot go on forever but can, and should, go on for a while. Rapid wage gains might be one of them.” @jwmason

// great piece on how the Fed almost reflexively tilts against labor bargaining power and so income share

dear world:

please provide full-content RSS feeds for your work. the world would be a better place if we got back to the habit of reading the news in the newsreader.

obviously, if you must rely on advertising, this might not work for you. but lots of sites that don’t rely on advertising don’t offer full-content feeds. please do!

if you are paywalled for subscribers, then please at least offer full-content, password protected feeds as a perq for paying customers!

thank you!

Amazon's "retail sector loses money, and that loss is made up by the tens of billions of gravy coming in from AWS and Advertising…[W]hy is it legal for Amazon to be the prime competitor of the economy’s whole retail sector while not having to make a profit?" @timbray

the public square lacks sybil resistance.

technocracy as an arrangement fails the test of technocratic excellence.

(with a wink to @stephenjudkins )

since it's a back to the future moment — hurrah! let's do-over the future the path we've been on sucks — here's a little Scala 3 RSS generation library…

the way to fight a vicious populism is with a virtuous one. when technocracy tries, it's like water on an electrical fire.

what if water companies were “committed to pricing that reflects the value that water provides”, and were allowed to charge it?

patents confer rights to patentholders that we-the-people decide, balancing a putative incentive to innovate against the costs imposed by the monopolist. we’ve got the balance very badly wrong. especially in pharma.

Apple Mail. Gotta love the shade.

(It's a legit receipt from Apple, "Digitally Certified" even. Learn more!)

A screenshot of Apple Mail noting A screenshot of Apple Mail noting "Mail thinks this message is Junk Mail" when it is a genuine message from Apple, also recognized by Apple Mail as "Digitally Certified".

it’s just not like this here.

current trending topics on Twitter include “Kompromat”, “Cher”, and “Nazism”. current trending topics on Twitter include “Kompromat”, “Cher”, and “Nazism”.