does FAIT mean the Fed wants a prolonged period of subtarget inflation to bring down the average?

what if the government got hold of all of our tax information. can you imagine?

i’ll pass on the dystopian fiction i prefer writing that takes some imagination.

at the shitsite they’re having a thread on what movie traumatized you as a child. for me, oddly, it was disney’s “the black hole”.

Services for which competition is vigorous tend to be better than services provided monopolistically.

But if services will be provided monopolistically, public is usually better, from an ordinary consumer perspective, than private provision (which quickly devolves to predation).

there so little discussion of the devastating effect et al may have on the essay mill industry.

A bit randomly, I've spent the last couple of weeks working on a Scala 3 templating engine, kind of a cross between Twirl and Java Server Pages.

I'd love any comment, critique, calumny. It's called .

george santos' seat in congress is our most democratic institution, because any of us, any day of the week, could with equal justice claim it.

they exhort us to blame lust
so that we will not blame greed.

My son wants to download an “autoclicker”. He explains to me what it is, and I say, so it’s a kind of cheat for your games. He says, “It’s not a cheat it’s a strategy.” Like any multibillionaire. The groomer I worry about is late capitalism.

it’s weird that “mall of america” is not just a metaphor.

in the equine sex worker community, an infusion reputed to prevent pregnancy and disease is frequently taken.

it is known on the street as “donkey ho’ tea”.

This is a subscriber-only post.

i'd like to join the parade of outrage at elon killing external clients, but i lived through the "good twitter" doing that twice already. (the good twitter was never good. elon is only truth-in-advertising.)

what if they put Donald Trump's face on the platinum coin. who among them would dare to complain?

I want this on a T-shirt. I should be disposed of properly.

i find it remarkable how fully tech has eclipsed finance as the publicly reviled industry. the smudge of me that still bleeds into 2008 is continuously shocked and surprised by this.

Wherever you go, it is your youth that you are leaving behind.

To what degree do you think the current US disinflation is attributable to

(1) more restrictive policy by the Fed;


(2) normalizing of supply and the composition (as opposed to level) of demand in the broad economy?

Where would we be if the Fed had done nothing?

the phrase "peer-reviewed", on its own, should have about as much evidentiary weight as the phrase "doctor-recommended" in a late-night commercial.