they take as axiomatic that success in the market implies creating social value, while they work assiduously to undermine the institutions that might align market forces and social value.

“In recent months, Twitter and other organizations have also started to complain that the latest wave of A.I. technologies were built using their digital data.”

// THEIR digital data? getting appropriated and mined for some else’s business model, in ways they hadn’t intended? imagine! i mean, who else has had to suffer something like that? ht @edbott

i mean, shouldn’t they get their pants sued off them, marketing this as a source of “advice” without prominently flagging its propensity for error and bullshit? ht @Sarahp

A screenshot of the marketing copy for OpenAI’s chat GPT app that describes it as a source of advice without any caution or disclaimer. A screenshot of the marketing copy for OpenAI’s chat GPT app that describes it as a source of advice without any caution or disclaimer.

they support good things to justify their bad things, and then the trap is laid.

they win if you let their whitewashing redeem and excuse them.

they win if you let your correct antipathy towards them bleed over into an indefensible antipathy to the good causes, even when the good causes they like dominate and deform the space for activism because of their self-interestedly generous support.

you must walk a tightrope, and of course the voices they finance will say you've failed no matter what.

have you considered getting into the tipsheet biz, @ddayen?

time is unforgivable.

[new draft post] Decommodification and health care utilization (ha!)

is there a word for a lively putrescence, like the garish wriggliness of maggots on a corpse?

So much of US politics is an anticontest over which side are tyrants. COVID restrictions, along with "woke" sensibilities that made people feel they had to put caution before candor, helped Republicans make a case Democrats are tyrants.

But then DeSantis—failing to understand the basis for his own success, wanting to tack right for Presidential primaries—started ostentatiously curtailing liberties: reproductive rights, academic freedom, much more.

Chickens coming home

maybe flying private is “morally wrong” when everybody who does everything for you fly coach if they fly at all.

or perhaps there are certain people that morality binds but does not serve, and others morality serves but does not bind (to paraphrase Wilhoit’s Law).

dark brandon?

Filtering an e-mail inbox on Filtering an e-mail inbox on "subject:Biden" reveals a lot of dark and scary teasers. e.g. "Is Biden's Executive Order the End of America as..." (I haven't read the rest.)

i don’t really understand how unicode in DNS domain names works. would it be possible to set up a `rm -rf /` tld?

I think AI catastrophism is mostly a conspiracy to oligopolize and create barriers to entry, access, and control of AI systems.

The true AI catastrophe is what a privileged class will do with these technologies if they can monopolize access, understanding, and management of them.

We detected an unusual login to your account.

when i was born, there were so many people who could remember the 19th Century.

An astonishing account of the state of college students, and of extraordinary change between student cohorts now vs the very recent past, by @profmusgrave

// others who teach undergrads, does this ring true?

it's fun that with union types you get an intersection of methods while with intersection types you get a union of methods.

"you can really see constitutional political economy arguments at work in our legal and political system…in the choices courts and politicians make about which statutes should count as the super-statutes."

from an excellent post by @fishkin on how to manage the debt ceiling ht @eARCwelder

a (perhaps unjustifiably) optimistic take on Biden’s debt-ceiling strategy: negotiate, even offer some concessions, in order to appear open and reasonable, but with an expectation that any reasonable compromise is one McCarthy’s leashmasters won’t permit. then when we ultimately go over the cliff and something unusual and/or unpopular must be done, let the blame sit squarely.