@Jonathanglick perhaps it's too easy to reach for this, but the fact that academic incentives are based on attribution might render academics more focused on tracing antecedents (and policing plagiarism) than might otherwise make sense. if you, or your mentor, are part of the genealogy of an important and current set of ideas, surely you/they deserve that prestigious chair.

i find arguments over intellectual genealogy to be mostly unhelpful. there aren't just two parents of ideas. to a first approximation, every new thing has been influenced by every older thing. we end up arguing over matters of degree, and i end up wondering why.

my “hot-or-not” site for rating insults will be “singe-or-cringe”.

she was not my favorite as an entrenched politician, but i am very sorry when the humans die. i wish her family well. i wish she’d had these last years for other things.

this event, and the gamesmanship that may follow, will be an uncomfortable reminder that age in politics really does carry risks.

You can earn points.

@elfin (thanks!)

@admitsWrongIfProven i’d watch that porn.

@rrwo@floss.social @myeyesaredim an oppressor in every pocket!

why do people say “good god!” when they encounter things not obviously consistent with that hypothesis?

@LouisIngenthron in media influence may suffice even where the profit is not obvious.

@admitsWrongIfProven sure. just watch the word independent. it’s often used in the bamboozling.

@admitsWrongIfProven sure. for the entangled to use the institutions for not necessarily the their benefit….

@admitsWrongIfProven which part of us? we contain multitudes, and every institution is entangled with some of us.

i’ve come to think of independent media like independent central banks, independent of whom or what, but then quietly dependent on and influenced by whom or what, because in banking and media and life there is actually no such thing as independent.

@sliminality i can take your place!


@fdr (tbf nothing at denny's actually qualifies as vegetarian. the peppers in the omelettes are fabricated from sausagestuff.)

@fdr i'm not sure it still qualifies as vegetarian, though…

once you realize that ants are just protein, picnics become so much more enjoyable.

@carrideen 🙁 i’m a fan of paxlovid to minimize whatever injury the virus might do.

@admitsWrongIfProven my post was not intended as a backhand critique of you!

i guess i do think defenders of capitalism make those arguments in “good faith”, in the sense that they believe them, despite reasoning that may be motivated and contingent on their place in the hierarchies capitalism engenders. motivated reasoning can, usually is i think, nevertheless sincere. the best critics will be able to make those arguments as well as true proponents, and therefore account for them in critiques.