@cshentrup ha! i didn’t know. you are my second cruise friend. or maybe GM friend?
the iconic dystopian monopoly of the 1990s has just captured the premier AI technology of the 2020s.
we went from valorizing those who haul the net to those who net the haul. https://mastodon.green/@Tarnport/111442669290084452 ht @montrebei
So much for Ron Dezastris’ insistence on quick return to school saving Florida from education fallout. https://www.axios.com/local/tampa-bay/2023/11/08/act-scores-down-florid-college-testing ht #MattYglesias @Bwheatnyc
A kind of A Christmas Carol starring Adam Tooze as he must meet the ghosts of many Marxes. by #ScottLavery https://renewal.org.uk/archive/vol-30-2022/toozes-marx/ ht Nikhil Desai
@stevendbrewer (my restriction in that sense is pretty much 24h!)
@stevendbrewer would that be trackbacks?
i think webmention informally goes back to 2012, becomes "a standard" (W3C Recommendation) in 2017.
@stevendbrewer this is a newer thing, informed i think by that experience. first it's a bit simpler (just a form-encoded source and target URL basically, rather than XMLRPC). and the spec requires the mentioned to verify the mention, to a degreee — if spam, the spam site must at least actually include a link to the URL.
it certainly could still be abused, if sites typically display linkbacks without further verification!
it's been around long enough i wonder what the experience has been.
TIL webmention exists https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/
do your sites support them? how do you display or integrate mentions you receive, or do you just use them as notifications of responses you might wanna check out? (do any fediverse apps support webmentions? i think Mastodon does not.)
ht Colin Walker https://colinwalker.blog/blog/?date=2023-11-16
we need more research into LLMs from a Jungian perspective.
love the humans, each and every.
@Em0nM4stodon @mozilla @eff thanks! i hope so too. we need to build an open ecosystem that does for people what binds them to siloes like LinkedIn too.
This is very good, John Oliver on the nightmare. ht @publicvoit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ9PKQbkJv8
@Em0nM4stodon what are some ortanizations (and feed urls) that do that?
it strikes me as a fantastic idea! but this is the first i’m encountering it.
unlikely (okay, beyond unlikely) but interesting.
could a joint citizens assembly create an opportunity to “fuse horizons” and come closer to some kind of settlement in Israel/Palestine?
see #JohnHuang https://equalitybylot.com/2023/11/17/a-modest-proposal-for-peace-in-israel-and-palestine/
what do you get when an irresistible population of 2M people enduring an unendurable humanitarian crisis gets shoved ever more tightly against a wall of refusal made immovable in alleged support of their cause?
i hate this timeline. we are all collectively idiots to have allowed it to come to this after decades of denial, prevarication, procrastination, sanctimony, cynicism.
i oppose the self determination of all parties concerned. they’ve (we’ve) proven unworthy of it.
@adventure_tense i'm not sure what my own answer is!
@adventure_tense i think most people would agree with that. the premise of the question, though, is that’s (hypothetically) off the table. if it has to be one, which?
we have a lot of controversies surrounding what one might call "dual-use turns of phrase".
@paninid @dangoodin @LouisIngenthron i don't think i'll get rich with my bet on Human Kindness.