💡Product Idea: “Queen Grimhilde” AI device. Just voice-interface ChatGPT-4o, but the form factor is a wall-hung mirror.

“In a society where you would have a decent life whether employed or not, it wouldn’t matter if at employment was ‘at-will.’” ianwelsh.net/if-bosses-want-at

@admitsWrongIfProven i agree. it’s time to renounce this getting older thing.

by the way this was not about anyone here not a subtoot or whatnot zirk.us/@interfluidity/1126101

sometimes i notice myself disliking people then i dislike myself even more.

we could save a lot of time if we wrote a bot to automate our posting of complaints about AI slop.

Your feedback is very important.

a lot of us have these questions.

from @ryanlcooper on BlueSky.

Screenshot from BlueSky, Ryan Cooper writes, Screenshot from BlueSky, Ryan Cooper writes, "hard to believe that this drug addled shithead who owns 5 companies, spends half his waking life posting Nazi propaganda on Vichy Twitter, and the other half (allegedly) harassing his employees, could be responsible for this. but I guess anything is possible"

i get mad at apple a lot but elon musk’s ranting can’t help but rehabilitate them a bit to me.

dystopia breeds fascism, people of a certain class just can't see it. show it to me in the real wage statistics! they say. i'm sure it's not that, thay say. it's just who they *are*, the causality goes from asshole to distress rather than the other way around. bsky.app/profile/sharonk.bsky.

when he really doesn't pardon hunter, they're gonna all be, like, what a terrible father how could you vote for that guy?

one of those days when you're trying to work but it's dull and you keep fading but when you close your eyes and things go hazy you find yourself among catastrophes and apocalypses and tears so you are better off just waking the fuck up to the dull work.

so often synergies are sinergies.

every identity is really just a political party in drag.

Oftentimes what would be bad if imposed by force would be good if it occurred by mutual consent.

Of course between voluntary and coerced there is a spectrum rather than a bright line, which can lead to complications and disputes.

argues for “launch aid” — gently subsidized state cofinancing — of a new commercial aviation platform (and perhaps also of a startup competitor). liberalpatriot.com/p/time-for-

most people don’t enjoy the lying part. that’s why it’s a job, not a hobby.

[new draft post] America is not already great drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/

@SteveRoth do you agree with these claims? (I mean, would your data series? I'm not asking whether the author has misused the Survey of Consumer Finances.)

from theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/


The gold standard for research into the state of Americans’ finances is the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, released every three years. The most recent report found that, from 2019 to 2022, the net worth of the median household increased by 37 percent, from about $141,000 to $192,000, adjusted for inflation. That’s the largest three-year increase on record since the Fed started issuing the report in 1989, and more than double the next-largest one on record. (According to preliminary data from the Fed, wealth continued to rise across the board in 2023.) Every single income bracket saw net worth increase considerably, but the biggest gains went to poor, middle-class, Black, Latino, and younger households, generating a slight reduction in overall wealth inequality (though not nearly as steep a reduction as the decline in wage inequality). By comparison, median household wealth actually declined by 19 percent from 2007 to 2019. Text: The gold standard for research into the state of Americans’ finances is the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, released every three years. The most recent report found that, from 2019 to 2022, the net worth of the median household increased by 37 percent, from about $141,000 to $192,000, adjusted for inflation. That’s the largest three-year increase on record since the Fed started issuing the report in 1989, and more than double the next-largest one on record. (According to preliminary data from the Fed, wealth continued to rise across the board in 2023.) Every single income bracket saw net worth increase considerably, but the biggest gains went to poor, middle-class, Black, Latino, and younger households, generating a slight reduction in overall wealth inequality (though not nearly as steep a reduction as the decline in wage inequality). By comparison, median household wealth actually declined by 19 percent from 2007 to 2019.

isn't Apple supposed to be good at UI? remember when they had human interface guidelines that were all about consistency?

i'm reading a story in the desktop Apple News app. i want to find a phrase i've read, so Command-f and start typing, like every other application.

no. command-f puts me in the main search bar, so all of a sudden i'm out of my article and finding others with the phrase.

apparently there is no in-article find in Apple News, just Command-f as "Search". it's too much to ask.

also, apparently Apple News won't let you print, not to hard copy, let alone PDF.

it's just pre-enshittified.

in reply to self