@cosmicallyf@beige.party part of the trick is you also use the space between.

"Media commentators are mystified about why Joe Biden has not gotten more credit for an improved economy, with inflation down nearly to pre-pandemic levels and job creation setting records. The reason is not hard to grasp. None of the recent improvements have altered the basic situation of most Americans, in which reliable careers are scarce, college requires the burden of debt, health coverage is more expensive and less reliable, and housing is unaffordable." prospect.org/politics/2024-04-

do you use your knuckles to figure out how long the month is?

A really thoughtful review of my sister 's new book "Help Wanted" by . salieriredemption.substack.com

the great thing about juggling projects is whatever you are procrastinating there is something to do.

[new draft post] Indirection and the character of capitalism (Part I) drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/

“Pay to stay” for prison sentences?

This is absolutely horrific, and would be absolutely horrific even if it didn’t come with the kafkaesque orwellian absurdity of billing for time inmates never stay if the sentence is modified, like a prison sentence is a no-refund low price hotel reservation.

I cannot believe how barbaric the governance of the state in which I now live has become. Although most US states enslave and exploit prisoners and their families.


there’s a lot of friendly fire and collateral damage in information warfare.

Word problem, inspired by NASA moon clocks:

Quito is 2820m above sea level. I live at sea-level. From my perspective, about how much is the life expectancy of a Quito-an reduced by virtue of gravitational time dilation?

(see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitat ht @dpp the formulas are right there so it's just plug 'n chug, right? right?)

the docs treat us as second class, but i feel like this is a win for team Type=forking

Can anyone point to a comprehensible explanation of why this is? Is it some kind of relativity effect, like time is very different if you are traveling near light speed?

“Because there’s less gravity on the moon, time there moves a tad more quickly – 58.7 microseconds every day – compared to on Earth.” theguardian.com/science/2024/a

ht @danjac@masto.ai

“the horrific violence and incipient famine in Gaza receive little coverage in mainstream Israeli media” nytimes.com/2024/04/02/opinion

"Though it seemed completely automated, [Amazon's] Just Walk Out relied on more than 1,000 people in India watching and labeling videos to ensure accurate checkouts. The cashiers were simply moved off-site, and they watched you as you shopped." gizmodo.com/amazon-reportedly- ht @vonkarama

The inimitable @DeanBaker13 on my sister 's new book, "Help Wanted". goodreads.com/review/show/6371

I think I’ve found the compromise that will end America’s culture wars. You can thank me later.

We should all just agree that 2nd Amendment rights under the Constitution begin at the moment of conception.

rust never leaks.

you can’t meaningfully address inequality without addressing inequality of nonlabor income.

if israel provokes a broader war i wonder what happens to taiwan.

there are things i’d like to say, but
april 1st may be not the very best day.

should we screencap great posts here over to other hellsites?

i feel like there's a counterproductive asymmetry: we tend to see really clever their-stuff (which, besides the really clever, is a reminder we are segregated away from interesting action), while they tend not to (and so can presume they live in the metropole and are missing nothing that matters).

(ceci n'est pas un post du 1er avril.)