neoliberal porn:

did you ever wonder just how much the market will bare?

“Raw data: US suicide rates since 1900” by

// see if you can pick out the emergence of postwar social democracy on the graph

EDITED to include correct link, thank you @trl

a visibly tough state is a weak state. strong states have manufactured consent.

i am not alone.

a mail message from Taco Bell, subject “We miss you” a mail message from Taco Bell, subject “We miss you”

The meeting has been terminated.

when, long ago, i worked in a computer lab, i remember how i used to pick up tips and tricks, especially cool UNIX command line things, by osmosis, as i chatted with people and watched them work. i’ve been “remote” now for decades, and really miss that.

some of @b0rk’s posts are kind of a resynthesis of that, like “Popular git config options”

people act like Ozymandias was somehow humbled, but that was hundreds of years later. most of us experience our own ruins even before we are all that old, let alone centuries after our death.

@admitsWrongIfProven we live in an era of fascinating symbolic detritus.

This is a paid post.

our media organization conducted a careful, scientific poll, by which we learned that the public is concerned about the all the things we have been relentlessly shrieking are concerning.

I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that, according to the reasoning of this piece, the Harvards of the world will soon be eclipsed by what we used to call "finishing schools". by

ht @beatnikprof @bmac

@_dm the first hit is free! once you have a new bestie of whom you've so long been a superfan, is $10 a month really gonna put you off? (i have no idea whether what Meta is doing is compelling. but it seems like the kind of thing someone might pull off compellingly!)

soon we will buy subscriptions to be friends with celebrities' authorized AIs.

an irony of our times is that the resentments of the anti-woke derive largely from microaggressions that, as a kind of tribal marker, they dare not acknowledge as such.

This is not me.

US Republicans are the defund-the-police party, at the global level.

fortune favors the swift.

"we are both more isolated and less private than we’ve ever been." @RebeccaSolnit

a graph.

cc @SteveRoth

[new draft post] Situated versus unsituated virtues