the terrible height of age, the terrible weight of memory.

"every time I go to Maine I find myself thinking that they should charge a higher sales tax in the summer than during the off-season. Maine residents would be able to save money by timing durable goods purchases for the low season, while visitors would make a larger contribution to the state budget."


watching the superbowl with folks gonna be like, you with team op, or counter-op?

This is devastating journalism by @radleybalko, a reminder how the videos and documentaries that let you "see with your own eyes!" what the editor wants you to see are often incomplete truths woven into lies.


"There’s a latent tension at the heart of the Bidenonomics agenda between industrial policy and competition policy." on an American Economic Liberties Project report on how to get semiconductor policy right

[tech notebook] What does private mean at package level in Scala 3?

because we assiduously attribute suicide to mental illness alone, and we enforce a shroud of privacy over each occurrence, we as a public have little understanding of why people choose to kill themselves in our society.

is there contemporary, anonymized social science that takes seriously the problems and stated concerns of people who kill themselves? or is it taboo now to consider any sort of attribution beyond a "struggle with mental illness"?

remember Durkheim?

[new draft post] Demographic transition is just specialization and trade

@artcollisions (a country singer who did a cover of "Fast Car")

it's interesting how universal it was among people of a certain age to burst into tears upon exposure to the Tracy Chapman / Luke Combs performance of "Fast Car".

i tried to explain to my immigrant wife, but i was at a loss.


"'You laugh,' he said, 'you think you're immune. Go look at your eyes, they're full of moon.'" ~Joni Mitchell

You claim to believe in human dignity, yet you put a Captcha on your website.

once what’s left is a choice between philanthropy or “the market”, you are not in a very good place.

i think about how pundits mocked people expecting President Obama actually to stand up for things as “Green Lantern” theory, and compare it to how viciously effective not-even-President Trump is at shaping US action deploying nothing but his (very aptly named) bully pulpit.

it’s hard to believe how badly we are screwing Ukraine and destroying what little is left of the expectations that supported Pax Americana.

all in the service of the ambitions and ego of one petulant and foolish old man.

“On living and working with ‘Nazis’” by Gordon / JGF


what morning in america would look like.

[tech notebook] Style-by-mail in feedletter

i stand humbled by your company's bold new vision.