My wife plays with Chat GPT as an interpreter of dreams. The results are surprisingly lucid and compelling. “Hallucination” and confabulation are basically the job, in this context features rather than flaws. Astrologers also may need to seek alternative employment.

@admitsWrongIfProven do your best!

Without context:

(15 votes)
(8 votes)

maybe the supreme court will notice an insurrection when it is against them.

"Like 1980s televangelism with its gold-plated cowboy boots, mansions, private jets, and a dose of of God on the side, bitcoin is all about the price chart with a small helping of cypherpunk ideology." @jp_koning

he hires the best people.

A form-letter e-mail from the campaign of or a PAC supporting Donal Trump  (it say from A form-letter e-mail from the campaign of or a PAC supporting Donal Trump (it say from "President Trump") whose subject line is "I want to meet %First%", presumably a template key for first name that the sender failed to replace.

he can be your retribution. but he is incapable of being your renaissance.

“one of America’s superpowers is to spin up yarns to reduce the urgency for action.”

it’s darkly amusing that the contemporary Republican Party can be characterized as RINOs vs Rhinos.

So, my wasted day, it turns out there are mysterious incompatibilities between BlueHost and Apple Mail. (With Spectrum maybe somehow in the mix as well?)

it’s easy and often justified to condemn crypto, but let’s not forget that the real action in money laundering, corruption, and reinforcement of oligarchy sits at the intersection of the conventional financial system and the political system. ht @mike_kraft

it’s a mistake to mistake condemnation for contribution.

again, “trafficking” is just the name people give transportation for purposes they don’t like. although here it is so broadly defined as to include even the suggestion of the possibility of transportation. ht @dangillmor

what is "host-header" in a HTTP response?

Screenshot of curl output, headers of an HTTP/2 response:

< HTTP/2 200
< last-modified: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 22:42:25 GMT
< accept-ranges: bytes
< content-length: 140497
< host-header: c2hhcmVkLm]sdWVob3N0LmNvbQ==
< content-type: image/jpeg
< date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:50:22 GMT
< server: Apache Screenshot of curl output, headers of an HTTP/2 response: < HTTP/2 200 < last-modified: Mon, 22 Jan 2024 22:42:25 GMT < accept-ranges: bytes < content-length: 140497 < host-header: c2hhcmVkLm]sdWVob3N0LmNvbQ== < content-type: image/jpeg < date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:50:22 GMT < server: Apache

people who trust themselves too much are untrustworthy.

as we descend
i ask
can this be the nadir?
is this it?
are we there yet?
i take heart.
eventually even
children arrive. @GeePawHill maybe ? seems a successor to Berkeley DB which is used back in the day.

Have a lot of adjectives. Don't be a noun.

what if instead of curly braces or


blocks of code were delimited by



an interesting insight from contemporary AI / machine learning is how closely related prediction and production turn out to be.