On the distinction between managerialism and quality management, stumblingandmumbling.typepad.c


Managerialism has, in many places eclipsed management. And there's a big difference between the two. Managerialism has a messiah complex and belief in great leaders, whereas management looks for good fits (pdf) between bosses and roles. Managerialism tries to apply the same methods everywhere, whereas management knows it is domain-specific; what works in (say) supermarkets might not work in universities. Managerialism valorises top-down control whereas management believes in listening and feedback. And managerialism speaks of vision and strategy whilst management focuses on empirical detail and ground truth. Text: Managerialism has, in many places eclipsed management. And there's a big difference between the two. Managerialism has a messiah complex and belief in great leaders, whereas management looks for good fits (pdf) between bosses and roles. Managerialism tries to apply the same methods everywhere, whereas management knows it is domain-specific; what works in (say) supermarkets might not work in universities. Managerialism valorises top-down control whereas management believes in listening and feedback. And managerialism speaks of vision and strategy whilst management focuses on empirical detail and ground truth.

@wim that's pretty hard even to define, given that Apple in its provision of services is more like a government than a vendor of disjoint products, AppleTV is part of a suite that gives value to its bundles, for which taxes are collected in a variety of ways. By comparison, is Amazon Prime Video profitable or unprofitable? That depends how you allocate Amazon Prime receipts, which supports both the service and other benefits.

"The center-left is very good at spinning up stories about how the wacky left is acting in a wacky way, but very bad at seeing how their approach to working with the left is repulsive and wacky in its own way." mattbruenig.com/2023/10/26/dys

@llimllib ❤️

@admitsWrongIfProven extra joy!

@admitsWrongIfProven copy and paste, of course! we can’t get enough of you!

You have been selected.

@Wolven (sorry! will do!)

@dymaxion @Wolven @why0hy the financial system does finance real world production, and provide goods and services like payments, insurance, and retirement savings.

i think the melange of oligarchical interests, more broadly-based uses and constraints, and intentional or unconscious conflations of the latter with the former might not be so dissimilar.

@Jonathanglick hopefully the space is larger than what i can spitball, but i’d expect we’d do better with one that relies less on attaching tolls to artificially sustained scarcity and probably more on public coordination of how support and rewards get directed. state-funded audience-directed voucher and match systems might be a good place to start.

subscription streaming platforms are a bad way to organize the collaboration of artists with audiences. we should replace them with better models, public or private.

@dymaxion @Wolven @why0hy we saw the same dynamic in the financial crisis.

it was true that bankers had expertise into the systems and technologies they had built that outsiders could not replicate.

it was also true the solutions they would consider, what they would consider serious or even thinkable, were constrained to a space that privileged interests they instinctively saw as universal but in fact were disproportionately theirs.

it was a hard situation. it worked out poorly.

@admitsWrongIfProven i’m sure that’s right, but i suspect even by their own definitions, the proposition often holds.

much less good comes of organized murder than its perpetrators often imagine.

@solar_chase happy birthday!

you don’t have to go too far into the abrahamic texts to find the line, “am i my brothers’ keeper?”

@darwinwoodka “‘your’ music. bwahahahaha.”

Your account was accessed from a new device.

“A fine is a price.” @pluralistic pluralistic.net/2023/10/24/cur

@Transportist lots of Apple One inflation Two. Not quite as dramatic in percentage terms, but a big price increase there too.