@LouisIngenthron a 'zines comment section is afforded Section 230 protection, sure. but a small organ can't make its comment section its business model. Section 230 immunity certainly is not a constitutional rights, and I'd prefer we draw a lot more lines—hopefully more wise than arbitrary, but of course there are risks—in its boundaries. I'd love stronger antitrust too, but given the reality of political obstacles, you can't fight just one front. 1/

@LouisIngenthron regardless of what I want or what you want, while they are what they are, they are and will be regulated, tacitly if not constitutionally. the govts of India + China very obviously regulate what speech is tolerable on Musk's Twitter. US political risk has completely inverted Google's bias from exposing novelty to suppressing what is not already somehow certified as safe or valuable. Congress shall pass no law. Fine. Formally "free", necessarily regulated just less transparently.

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