@dpp i think that any ex ante metrics would be badly gamed. 1/

@dpp perhaps promising alternatives are consistent granting of ex post awards for projects that prove notable and/or popular (with lots of subjectivity intentionally baked into notability) and decentralized awarding, allocate small amounts to large groups of people willing to take on a role, on a lightly enforced but strongly telegraphed norm that allocation should be based on project value (also intentionally subjective!) and self- or friend-dealing is prohibited. 2/

in reply to self

@dpp (in general i think we've underexplored the "grant everyone $100 to allocate to public goods of their choice" approach. sure there will be noise and self-dealing, bad anecdotes to inspire clickbaity outrage, but i think the vast majority will be allocated based on people's very diverse perceptions of value, which is what we ought to want.) /fin

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