@BenRossTransit during the initial period, prior to Israel’s very foolish response, the heat and discredit on those refusing to condemn Hamas as tremendous and growing. in a world where the only imagery was of gore in kibbutzim, where the governments of the Western worlf
who still despite everything disproportionately set narrative, condemnation would become universal. 1/

@BenRossTransit and what effectiveness? Israel would not be negotiating for hostages, the territory would be retaken, Gaza resealed. nothing would have been gained, Israel would have its army and air force poised and ready. 2/

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@BenRossTransit you presume mass-killing — which is what Israel is doing, whether it is justified or not — is a deterrent rather than an accelerant. i think you are wrong. i think Hezbollah knows a war with Israel would be catastrophic to it, but may be forced by internal pressure into it by the anger of mass atrocity. 3/

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@BenRossTransit i think it quite obvious that Hamas sees Palestinian casualties as a resource, not a cost, and works to maximize them. as in so many matters, Israel’s current government and Hamas work hand-in-hand. they share a common interest in opposing peace through half-measures, even though they have different preferences with respect to whole measures. /fin

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