@BenRossTransit Hezbollah does not have the same attitude towards Lebanese casualties as Hamas. Iran does not have the same attitude towards Iranian casualties as Hamas. Hamas’ sole goal is Palestinian Islamic nationalism, and it is publicly and overtly a death cult willing to martyr as many Palestinians as it takes in pursuit of that. 1/

@BenRossTransit Hezbollah is effectively the government of much of Lebanon, which takes a position on Israel/Palestine, but serves its own interests first. It is allied with Iran, a power hostile to Israel in a contest for regional dominance, and both parties use Palestinians as an excuse for military action in service of the geopolitical goals of their alliance. Both are much more “rational” than Hamas, because they have constructive as well as destructive interests. 2/

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@BenRossTransit Hamas does not. Its leadership is in exile, football fans masquerading as partisans like all the Palestinian flag wielding protestors of London. They are very clear that no cost in destruction matters to them more than victory in their game, in fact they welcome destruction as long as it weakens or discredits Israel. There is no path to a solution that does not involve some organization among Palestinians detaching them from Hamas’ nihilism. 3/

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@BenRossTransit Fortunately they have had an ally in Netanyahu in preventing any such faction from emerging. /fin

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