@BenRossTransit the “people” was created as a claim upon the land. and not as real estate, but as moral property. the injury is the perceived theft, not the borders. Lemoine emphasizes the nationalist zeitgeist of mid 20C anticolonialism in his piece. i would very much add to that an enterprise of Palestinian identity construction supported by the much broader Arab community, of a “people” dispossessed and streadfast in determination to reverse that. a confluence of interest and zeitgeist.

@BenRossTransit it has been an astonishingly effective tactic. philo/antisemites allege that Jews are smart but Israel’s utter incompetence at countering or diffusing the tactic, Israel’s reflexive eagerness to deter with disproportionate force (as Lemoine usefully emphasizes) when that plays right into their adversaries’ strategy, should disabuse everyone of that.

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