@Alon @BenRossTransit That's clear. I wish Israelis thought a bit more about whether what is existential about the threat might be autoimmune more than pathogenicity. 1/

@Alon @BenRossTransit But this is a longer standing question. Whether you like the word, what liberal diaspora Jews see when they visit Israel has been an apartheid which has rendered it increasingly difficult to reconcile the liberal diaspora's ethical allegiances with its also strong allegiance to Israel. 2/

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@Alon @BenRossTransit In conversations with Israelis, that tension seemed to me to have largely disappeared over time, replaced by a (deeply understandable) sense of grievance, by a kind of resignation that that what is necessary is necessary, and recourse to collective blame of Palestinians for what they say in their polls and allow to be taught in their schools. /fin

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