@_dm @ouguoc I’m not sure I give very much credit to the international institutions or governance structures (in large part because the US has been undermining them rather than reinforcing them for two decades, maybe they could’ve grown into themselves). I think US hegemony has played a positive role mostly by very basic mechanisms: a hegemon provides order, and has an interest in the stable prosperity of the domain it superintends. 1/

@_dm @ouguoc As ugly and imperfect a hegemon as the US has sometimes been, I see the unraveling of hegemony as a severe threat to these goods. I’d rather an evolution of stable hegemony to a more just order than surviving (maybe) thru the chaos of a contested world in hope of something better on the other side. I hope the US will find means to reinforce stability by acceding to a more shared hegemony, so the structure of global order does not become a military contest (more than it has already).

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