@admitsWrongIfProven The connection to the Austrian dude is just that a democratic election can lead to democracy’s end. The connection between Biden and events in Gaza is that Biden’s embrace of Israel’s choices have left the non-Trump part of the American polity divided and bereft of moral confidence. 1/

@admitsWrongIfProven We need to make a full throated case that we are virtuous relative to the other guy’s evident vices, but we collectively don’t perceive ourselves as virtuous. Half of us look in the mirror and see ourselves drenched in Palestinian blood, the other half mocks us and is furious that we can’t let increasingly unsupportable distinctions exonerate Israel and us by extension. 2/

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@admitsWrongIfProven How are we supposed to fight fascism’s rise when we nonfascists can barely tolerate ourselves and one another?

That’s the conundrum Israel and Biden’s policy towards Israel has created in US politics. We have ten months still, much can change, but at the moment it feels quite fatal. /fin

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