@LesterB99 the status quo of law is not just what's on the books, but degree of enforcement. 1/

in reply to @LesterB99

@LesterB99 changes in degree of enforcement provoke strategic responses by those affected. right now, Democrats are mobilizing against threats to abortion in stronger enforcement of the Comstack Act. 2/

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@LesterB99 if, as you say, a bottleneck to consumer protection enforcement is correspondence burden, and ChatGPT reduces that, firms will act strategically to try to counter the change. 3/

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@LesterB99 that may take the form of lobbying to change the letter of the law, but that can be hard if the public is paying attention. 4/

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@LesterB99 it can take the form of personnel changes at relevant agencies, how NLRB, FTC, and FCC have typically been made nonenforcers of the laws they are charged to enforce. 5/

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@LesterB99 in the current space, it can also take the form of the AI providers weakening the text their products are willing to generate in these domains. 6/

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@LesterB99 overall, so long as the architecture of contemporary AI remains "concentrated wealth owns the firms that shape the models", I think expecting liberation from the afflictions of concentrated wealth through them is betting on technological affordances that would have to be extremely strong, for the technology not to immune from shaping to protect its owners' interests. /fin

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