@norootcause at a moral or philosophical level, you can blame the electorate if you want. at a practical level, it is a dumb, useless. critics and pundits who do it are at best to be ignored and usually disingenuously mischievous or running interference for someone evading accountability. the broad electorate is not a point of accountability or reform. the electorate is the raw wood, the marble, those of us who intervene in politics or commentary or institution design have to work with. 1/

in reply to @norootcause

@norootcause however “true” by someone’s framing it may be that a bad electorate is the problem, there is no value whatsoever in the framing. unless collective punishment or reeducation or such is the reform you’d advocate, in which case the fault lies with those who failed to institute those reforms, not the electorate. so still no value in blaming the electorate. /fin

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