@realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world @AltonDooley @realcaseyrollins@noauthority.social @volkris @Hyolobrika if it sounds fine and dandy, well your opinion is your prerogative.

But i hope we share an understanding of the holding. Prosecutorial decisions are the sole province of the President, not regulable by Congress' laws. So there can be no such thing as an "illegal" or "invalid" prosecution. The President can prosecute whomever, whyever He chooses, however unfounded or "malicious" the basis for those prosecutions might be.

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@realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world @AltonDooley @realcaseyrollins@noauthority.social @volkris @Hyolobrika The President can face no legal accountability for those choices. No public or judicial process can inquire into their motivations, no Congressional act can regulate them in any way.

I think that's pretty fucking scary, and deeply threatening to any social order other than authoritarian tyranny.

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@realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world @AltonDooley @realcaseyrollins@noauthority.social @volkris @Hyolobrika But sure. If you think absolute immunity for even malicious prosecution is fine and dandy, you my good friend are just as entitled to your opinion on that as I am to mine.

I am glad we agree on the facts of what was held by the Supreme Court of the United States, one week ago.

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