@volkris @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world @AltonDooley @realcaseyrollins@noauthority.social @Hyolobrika Criminal law almost always cares about motive. Mens rea. Please tell me where any act you could call “democratic” removed consideration of motive from criminal law in the case of the President, but no one else. Please. I think the Supreme Court made it up all by itself. 1/

in reply to @volkris

@volkris @realcaseyrollins@social.teci.world @AltonDooley @realcaseyrollins@noauthority.social @Hyolobrika Yes, we can democratically remedy this, but only by a Constitutional anendment, a bar so difficult, that requires such unanimity + consensus that it’s been decades since we’ve pulled one off. (Or, much more likely, by expanding this Court and having a do-over.)

The Supreme Court made this up. Whole cloth. Nothing in existing law prefigured this decision, especially the motive bit. The whole legal world was shocked by it. /fin

in reply to self