Text: The first thing is to help rebuild the union movement. The National Labor Relations Act should be overhauled to require sectoral bargaining, meaning union contracts will be negotiated on an industry-wide basis rather than at each individual shop, and the resulting contract will be extended to every firm regardless of union membership. Stiff penalties will be levied on employers who refuse to negotiate. Second, build a proper welfare state. This will provide an income source to all categories of nonworkers mentioned above, and equalize incomes between households with different numbers of nonworkers. Welfare programs for each category of nonworker—a child allowance, disability and unemployment benefits, a pension for the elderly— will virtually eradicate poverty. Medicare for All will ensure universal health care, and paid family leave, a child allowance, and public day care will enable citizens to have whatever size of family they want. U.S. policymakers are obsessed with means-testing the welfare state, to prevent anyone deemed undeserving from qualifying. But you can just as easily ensure that with stiff and progressive taxation, particularly on the rich. The point is to raise revenue from the broad population to fund the welfare state, while also legally prohibiting the accumulation of vast wealth. Third, rebuild the regulatory state... (truncated due to character limit)