@STP @curtosis @mattyglesias Yes. In my view, the American Constitutional system remains untried. But the logic of the American Constitutional system has the House as first mover, but with acknowledgment that in some spheres (“Commander-in-Chief”) executive initiative remains necessary. The President has veto power. But his role is to take Care that the laws be faithfully executed, not to make or organizing the making of them.

in reply to @STP

@STP @curtosis @mattyglesias In practice, this should yield something like a parliamentary system with House leadership becomes “prime minister”, but with the President taking a much more active role in reducing lawmaking into practice (or resisting that) than more ceremonial heads of state in many parliamentary arrangements.

in reply to self

@STP @curtosis @mattyglesias There is an extra check, and extra player, in the American system. Which renders the system dangerous, unstable, incoherent **if that extra player is an oppositional partisan**. Which is why I think Presidential elections should be by something like approval voting, that elevates nobody’s favorite, but someone everyone can live with, ideally “quality” in a nonfactional sense.

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