One thing I find difficult about US politics is I am expected to say things like “ACA is not perfect, but it’s better than what came before!” when I hate ACA so much. 1/
I’m almost 54 years old. I’ve never had a colonoscopy. Preventative care is supposed to be covered by my ACA marketplace insurance. I go to an in-network gastroenterologist. He proposes a colonoscopy and an EGD. All diagnostic, preventative. I am not sick. 2/
Two days later I get “good faith estimate” letters saying my responsibility beyond what insurance would cover would be $10,044. Of which the very standard colonoscopy, which my insurer frequently chirpily reminds me I should have, is $2600. 3/
I’ve started the inevitable “dialogue” with the insurer. But I think I’d rather just die. /fin