@realcaseyrollins You’ll say it’s my bias as “left” (whatever that means), but I think the arrest and ordinary criminal trial of the fraction of people who participated in January 6 and left sufficient documentary evidence for conviction of specific crimes by a jury of their peers is quite distinct from summarily rounding up millions of people, then detaining and deporting them without trial. 1/

in reply to @realcaseyrollins

@realcaseyrollins Even if you concede some injustice (I don’t, in general, though don’t doubt there may be particular cases of overreach), just the scale makes a huge difference. There are on the order of 1000 Jan 6 indictees. Trump says he plans to detain and deport 10M+. To abuse the moral weather analogy, a breezy drizzle and a hurricane are kind of the same, but also different. /fin

in reply to self