have any of you tried out Huawei HarmonyOS? how is it? what do you think?
“We acknowledge road users may be faced with socioeconomic challenges” ht @inertiate https://frontrange.co/@apnewsbot/113629830175123772
you know you’ve encountered a higher class of revolutionary when at least a pinky toe, if not several of the more vigorous toes, is latent.
@KimSJ we joke, but not really, in my family that the best time to fall ill is during international travel. we’ve always had simple, helpful, reasonably priced experiences when we’ve accessed health care with no insurance at all, anywhere outside the US.
the last time around we had robber barons. this time we have toddler tyrants.
is syria an isolated event or some kind of domino?
@mcc (i think i’m at several years of mondays ago. best of luck to you.)
“The average cost of a three-day hospital stay is $30,000.” #HelenOuyang https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/08/opinion/health-care-anger.html
“Or, as the Northwestern University political-science professor Jeffrey Winters put it…this feels like a moment of ‘in-your-face oligarchy.’”
// “feels like” is too soft. this is what oligarchy looks like, laughing proud. https://universeodon.com/@memeorandum/113624917149665952
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there was the moment they decided dark patterns are really bright patterns because they are profitable patterns, and what is profitable is efficient and good, progressive in the only way that is ultimately meaningful. that was the moment they left us, became something apart. they continue to diverge.
a value i’ve always strived to uphold is intellectual charity. people i disagree with are good people like me. try to understand the circumstances and beliefs under which a good person might come to see things as they do. 1/
with age my eyesight has changed, my focal range has grown narrower and more brittle. something similar has happened to my capacity for intellectual charity. 2/
i do my best, of course, in arguments and conversations to behave charitably. but beyond the confines of a live conversation — in which the presence of a real human does encourage stretching toward mutual comprehension — i find myself more and more just quietly writing off political adversaries. 3/
these are just bad fucking people, i find myself thinking. 4/
i don’t take this as a positive development. i wonder how much of it is my increasing age, my decaying soul, and how much reflects the changing times. /fin
elon’s gonna send us all an oath where we all have to agree to be “hardcore” as citizens or be expatriated.
@inkican “especially violations of your privacy. we pursue those very seriously.”
“we emphasize trust and accountability, your trust and our lack of accountability.”
@inkican not really.
it’s gonna be unreal when shit gets real.
"they invented a philosophy — a 'science' they called it — under which greed is reason. then they wondered why things didn't work out."
look at least if we end up with a warlord called “hagsex” the aesthetic will be something other than cyberpunk.