@stevendbrewer ever, sure. but not the norm!

@cshentrup @w7voa no one would have described Rahm Emmanuel as “diplomatic”, before he was appointed a senior diplomat …

people who say something or other is a dream like that would be a good thing must have a pretty different experience of sleep than i have.

“The assumption that the missing parents in [one parent] families are average parents who would contribute an average amount of earnings and an average amount of child care is obviously ridiculous.” mattbruenig.com/2023/09/20/doi

@clintruin good day!

@rifter 🙂

@brecht @interfluidity@econtwitter.net give it a shot, let me know if i can help! interfluidity.com/microblog-ar

@brecht @interfluidity@econtwitter.net the gentleman who founded econtwitter.net just decided to move on, and no one (me included alas) has stepped in to take his place. unless someone does, econtwitter.net is set to shut down October 1.

in reply to self

@undercoverhist i've been having the same fun tonight!

@undercoverhist Your followers the transition takes care of, but you have to turn the crank a bit to restore your own followings. You can still access over at econtwitter.net the Import/Export section. Under Data Export, you can download your follows CSV file. Then, at your live instance, sciences.social, you'll see an Import subsection under the same Import/Export. "Following List" is probably already selected as the default. Just "choose file" the CSV that you downloaded and hit "UPLOAD".

@steveblack me too!

@paninid pretty painless! i worry that it's not quite lossless. hashtags i followed, non-Mastodon Fediverse follows, follows that need to approve, and just entropy. i'm sure there are accidental severings of relationships.

i (foolishly) didn't check my numbers just before i migrated, but i think i'm not too far from the old numbers of followers and followeds. so that's good!

@eli yeah. econtwitter.net is shutting down at the end of the month, so...

@PamW it's an honor to be!

Good morning!