you really need to lurk on xitter a bit just to keep abreast of contemporary misinformation.

@cshentrup @jwmason what is creating a cartel? what is a price distortion? sectoral regulation of labor markets on an industry by industry basis, negotiated between elected representatives of workers' and firms? that's the Nordic approach. often firms have extraordinary bargaining power vis a vis workers. is that a price distortion? what institutions do you suggest should address that?

why couldn’t it have been the north eastern atlantic treaty organization?

@PurpCat @realcaseyrollins they are enshittifying enshittification!

@cshentrup @jwmason labor is an institution before it can be a commodity to be priced. the definition of labor as an institution you take for granted might lead to much worse outcomes when priced than alternative definitions.

@cshentrup @jwmason perhaps a better complement!

"It’s not false to say that some crumbs perforce will fall from the tables of the rich onto those of the poor. It in no way follows, however, that that is the way bread should be shared." @maria

@ike i guess how concentrated we'll only now in a while, when we see a pace of changes! over time, we are always changing and renegotiating things, with some people painfully aware about what's awful in the _status quo_ (ie car culture), and some people suffering a painful sense of loss over what they take as ordinary, familiar, good. the smartphone provoked a pretty compressed round of changes. everything we no do via an app, we did differently not long ago. 1/

@ike (this piece provoked a bit of a sense of loss in me, as the author's innovative new restaurant is in the neighborhood i moved from and sorely miss just over a year ago.)

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@admitsWrongIfProven ±∞

“if we can drive the enemy into a mindless rage, it may fail to act strategically.”

@admitsWrongIfProven no, i don’t think so.

since my policy preferences are never perfectly adhered to, i can always blame whatever problems occur on inadequate adherence to my policy preferences.

the hurricane we now face is an expanding vortex of nihilism and blood.

put blood and soil together and what do you get. ht @jalcine

@rvr sometimes that too! we have so many ways to make ourselves stupid. (i think, probably stupidly.)

so often we make ourselves stupid today by overcorrecting for the dumb thing we now acknowledge we did yesterday.

@dpp i highly recommend chatting with @dpp, whatever the forum or occasion!

@bmaz I might have the opposite selection bias, I kind of look for trouble there.I go to xitter to see what's current in "the discourse". I still feel "behind" if I rely solely on mastodon. So I check out among other things the trending items, and those tend to collect the worst kinds of participation.

@LouisIngenthron Political institutions shape the electorate as much as the electorate shapes political institutions. The electorate under an approval voting system would yield very different representation than plurality voting and primaries. The US Constitution is very self-consciously founded on the insight that "democracy" alone in not enough to form a decent state, careful institutions must organize and shape how the "will of the people" is formed and expressed.

@LouisIngenthron Where impeachment is not an adequate institution, we can make new ones. Why have laws against bribery, when there is always impeachment?

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@LouisIngenthron We've been trying to educate the human community to be better for all of humanity. Basing any practical politics on the near-term success of that strikes me as a bit fanciful. 1/

@LouisIngenthron Why is it a legitimate grievance that a person hired by the state has to conform the manner of his speech to democratically prescribed norms? Is it illegitimate that a schoolteacher may discuss differences between religious communities, but would be fired if she referred to one as "vermin"? 2/

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@LouisIngenthron Even for ordinary citizens, the first amendment permits restrictions of the *manner* of speech. For public officials, the legitimacy of restrictions is much clearer, and still this would only be a restriction on manner. One could advocate for war. One could not refer to the citizens of the group we would be at war with as "human animals". 3/

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@LouisIngenthron Why does our highest level officials having restrictions on manner of speech that we'd readily accept for every schoolteacher in the nation amount to a legitimate grievance? Or should public schoolteachers have the right to refer describe some groups as animals when they teach about history and cultural difference? Do schoolteachers have a legitimate grievance there? /fin

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