parasociability is a tremendous challenge to contemporary theories of democracy.
“If the pattern of the past holds, the future won’t be majority-minority; it will be a white majority, where Spanish last names are common.” @jbouie, writing in 2014
it feels like everywhere is the nazi bar now.
@chemoelectric @bkahn @StillIRise1963 there are remarkable crystalline springs here.
when the threshold is a supermajority and a clear majority supports, it is inaccurate to write “Florida voters reject”.
Florida voters support, by a large margin, but fail to meet the 60% threshold required to amend the state constitution.
@bkahn @StillIRise1963 it’s a beautiful place and very sad the way its inhabitants have become.
scab zombie needle. stay away.
not feeling great about being a floridian so far tonight.
today’s family outing.
i think the strike at the nyt tech guild is really moving the needle.
today is a day for heroes without capes.
i don’t want to jinx anything, but what if Wednesday morning we wake up to a country much better than we had thought it was?
what do you do when you are tired but not sleepy?
“the idea that Donald Trump is a free speech supporter is literally backwards. He’s spent years suing people for their speech, and now he’s even doing it in response to editorial discretion he dislikes. Donald Trump has no conception of free speech. He only supports speech he likes, and he is eager to punish any speech he dislikes.” @mmasnick
happy election day, to all who celebrate.
@jalefkowit i guess you must be on weekly, then.
@kentwillard (i have some sympathy too. but we shouldn’t pretend that just because mistakes are understandable, they haven’t proven catastrophic when they have.)