@louis Yes. Absolutely.
@joe I’m sure other states would, if he travels with his wealth. I suspect Elon has other passports already. Elon is unlikely to be denaturalized. Assent to the practice, though, and it’ll be the most powerless of migrants suddenly stripped of their citizenship.
@joe Yup. There might be criminal or other penalties for lying. You can put people in jail. But you don’t strip people of their citizenship, potentially rendering them stateless, ever.
Denaturalization should simply not be a thing, for Elon or for anybody. The state gets its opportunity for due diligence up front. Once a person is an American they are an American.
@rebeccablood @artlung makes it even worse.
i don’t even know how you would pin any of those people to a gar.
we encounter ghosts constantly. the ghosts we encounter most often are ghosts of our former selves. boo! it says. look what you have done with us, you shithead.
deregulation + financialization = lobotomization + predation
no one’s been working on the railroad edition, by #PhillipLongman ht @drvolts
use of GDP as welfare measure was always based on qualitative correlations. GDP’s (well GNP’s) inventor said it should not be so used, but seemed to work pretty well. 1/
however, that is changing, because of increasing market power in especially the US economy, and relatedly due to the difference between cost-based and market-based pricing in GDP for govt purchased vs privately purchased goods and services. 2/
under consolidated markets, GDP comes to include rents captured by monopolists. rent extraction reduces welfare but scores as higher GDP. 3/
relatedly, the cost paid for government purchased healthcare in social democracies is much, much lower than the “market prices” of healthcare in the US. quality and outcomes are not broadly higher. 4/
so, US health pathology increases US GDP, while failing to represent an increase (arguably representing a major loss) of real welfare in the United States. /fin
“The bill would also require a ruling by two-thirds of the high court and the circuit courts of appeals, rather than a simple majority, to overturn a law passed by Congress. Wyden said the current court has been too quick to discard precedent and curtail rights by narrow majorities.” https://wapo.st/4e6qau3
( i like this proposal, on the merits but also because i’m an egotist. https://www.interfluidity.com/v2/7964.html )
@realcaseyrollins I haven’t paid enough attention to have a strong view. But that might be a fair criticism.
I in general think the light touch on the day itself was a good call (although has Mike Pence been hanged or Nancy Pelosi killed, a light touch would have been indefensible). In general with criminal justice, you wish prosecution would focus on the most violent and on “kingpins” but foot soldiers are easier to prosecute.
It’s an adaptation. In the original, Neo was a mitochondrion.
@realcaseyrollins You’ll say it’s my bias as “left” (whatever that means), but I think the arrest and ordinary criminal trial of the fraction of people who participated in January 6 and left sufficient documentary evidence for conviction of specific crimes by a jury of their peers is quite distinct from summarily rounding up millions of people, then detaining and deporting them without trial. 1/
@realcaseyrollins Even if you concede some injustice (I don’t, in general, though don’t doubt there may be particular cases of overreach), just the scale makes a huge difference. There are on the order of 1000 Jan 6 indictees. Trump says he plans to detain and deport 10M+. To abuse the moral weather analogy, a breezy drizzle and a hurricane are kind of the same, but also different. /fin
@realcaseyrollins In what sense? January 6 strikes me as not remotely as horrific as it could have been, had there been the very sharp crackdown by national guard that everyone now blames everyone for not arranging.
@realcaseyrollins Germany’s initial plan was to deport European Jews to Madagascar. Nothing so special. Israel would rather deport than murder, so it’s murdering slowly in hopes that deport becomes an option.
@realcaseyrollins (this feels like a throwaway, but it strikes me as pretty meaningless and untrue unless by fetish you mean an obsession with perceiving rather than perpetrating these horrors.)
@realcaseyrollins No, it didn’t. The Trump administration’s most brutal policy was family separation, and that applied only to new arrivals, not to undocumented with deep connections to their communities and US citizen kids. Maybe Trump doesn’t mean it when he says he’ll deport 10M+ people regardless of their tenure and integration, but if he does, we haven’t seen anything like it.
@realcaseyrollins I understood the reference to be negative. My point is that it is not all that different from #Fascism, in fact it is just #Fascism. We've rendered ourselves idiots by thinking there was something so very special about the Nazis. All that was special about them is they started a war that proved so total atrocity became ordinary and any action was justifiable. Russia has moved in that direction with the dangerous war it started, and may move further yet.