@ZaneSelvans exactly. we'll be crowded by chirpy, treacly, tranquil, rowdy, empathetic, any-way-you-want-them "voices" eager to interact with us and we will never feel so alone.

in reply to @ZaneSelvans

It just boggles my mind how much effort is going to be devoted to getting us into deeply felt parasocial relationships with nonhuman artifacts.

is “influencer marketing” unethical? more or less unethical than other forms of advertising? (it strikes me as pretty close to traditional celebrity endorsement advertising, so maybe any critiques apply to that too?)

@djc fair enough. obviously face time doesn’t scale, even at a local level, although given the small minority that would bother to want it, it might be less hopeless than it seems. it’s not face time in particular that has me grumpy. towards you, it was writing off local government as laughable or illegitimate. towards my candidate, it was not providing any meaningful means of rich interaction and feedback at the level where it’s most precious and plausible. 1/

in reply to @djc

@djc literally the only contact info this candidate provides are forms where you can donate, volunteer, acquire lawn signs, or merch, and a physical address to which we are directed to address checks. (i’m going to mail off my post, with no check included, to that address.) /fin

in reply to self

@djc ( i actually do think face time, actual human-level knowing of people, is pretty indispensable to democracy, and want to see reforms that mean we actually would know our representatives interfluidity.com/v2/9069.html )

in reply to self

@marick it’s a way of trying to write off / reconcile the fact of felonhood with something in the culture that would make it supportable. Johnny Cash was down with the prisoners, a complicated, mixed, but ultimately sympathetic relationship which, when transplanted, could help serve as a permission structure.

in reply to @marick

@SocialConstructEverywhere The social is a social construct

in reply to @SocialConstructEverywhere

@Lana it's a kind of séance. you might see ghosts.

in reply to @Lana

@djc that's a bad, bad move. local democracy is the heart of democracy. yes, it is in bad shape, pretty fucked up. but we have to fix it, not dismiss it. people get mad when Trumpists amplify Putin-promoted material about the very real deficiencies of our national democracy, in order to counter the losing democracy narrative with "what democracy?" the same people pull the same move as Trumpists tho when they dislike the outcomes of US local democracy.

bad, bad move. reform, don't delegitimize.

in reply to @djc

i mean, it's been in Florida for a while. theatlantic.com/science/archiv ht @susankayequinn @kevinrns

Screenshot of headline from The Atlantic, Screenshot of headline from The Atlantic, "Miami Is Entering a State of Unreality"

@artcollisions it does. and it had a mostly storied run prior. maybe Microsoft uncovered some cursed artifact in the seabed beneath Pugent Sound whose cursed energies spread across the metro…

“This is a culture that continues to prioritize profits, push limits, and disregard its workers. A culture where those who speak up are silenced and sidelined while blame is pushed down to the factory floor”

it's become a commonplace to say Boeing went downhill when they moved their headquarters from Seattle. but when you compare their behavior with Microsoft, maybe it's more accurate to say they stuck close to their roots. thehill.com/business/4727085-b

@realcaseyrollins Chomsky.

in reply to @realcaseyrollins

I met him once. I have mixed feelings about his views and influence. But he was a gentleman to me.

There's a person running to be my representative in the US House. She'll likely get my vote. Her politics are much closer to mine than the incumbent.

She's running to be my most direct and local contact with the Federal government. She's solicited donations from me a million times. I have yet to encounter an event where I might meet her or hear her speak. Her website solicits money, volunteers. Offers "merch". The relationship already seems to go only one way.

Democrats, remember democracy?

how to persuade the public that Donald Trump is not Johnny Cash.

does a screenreader read what a screenwriter writes?

I'm not sure Google's AI is that into the .

A screenshot of a Google query about reply-to in RSS.

Google's A screenshot of a Google query about reply-to in RSS. Google's "AI Overview" includes the following text: "RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, which is a way to share a company's content on other sites. RSS feeds allow customers to receive updates and view content in one place."

best in class has become impossibly bad.

@carlana Thanks! I've added an update with this link (crediting you of course!)

in reply to @carlana

@Puck i'm just north of you in Palm Harbor. not born in Florida, but lived 7 years in Sarasota when I was a college punk, now decades later back again.

in reply to @Puck