@SeaMonster i did, nearly always do, use alt text. in this case it was the caption, slightly modified, from the original post. not enough?

in reply to @SeaMonster

it was you and me against the world. but then the world won, and it was you and me against each other.

from a really fabulous, read-the-whole-thing essay by @adamkotsko on the increasing illegibility of what passes for capitalism these days. itself.blog/2024/06/15/what-is


Now businesses increasingly take actively customer-hostile actions — locking up products, replacing paper menus with cumbersome QR codes, and of course chronically understaffing everything, which is the root of all of these issues — and insulate themselves from any feedback.

This claim may seem paradoxical, since businesses are continually clamoring for a certain type of feedback. I feel like I am asked to rate dozens upon dozens of transactions a day on some kind of five-point scale, and higher-stakes encounters (like medical visits) result in repeated demands to participate in a full-dress, multi-step satisfaction survey. Even the public bathrooms in Chicago Union Station have built-in devices for patrons to register their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the level of cleanliness.

Whenever I receive one of these demands, I want to shout in Don Draper style: that’s what the money was for! Text: Now businesses increasingly take actively customer-hostile actions — locking up products, replacing paper menus with cumbersome QR codes, and of course chronically understaffing everything, which is the root of all of these issues — and insulate themselves from any feedback. This claim may seem paradoxical, since businesses are continually clamoring for a certain type of feedback. I feel like I am asked to rate dozens upon dozens of transactions a day on some kind of five-point scale, and higher-stakes encounters (like medical visits) result in repeated demands to participate in a full-dress, multi-step satisfaction survey. Even the public bathrooms in Chicago Union Station have built-in devices for patrons to register their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the level of cleanliness. Whenever I receive one of these demands, I want to shout in Don Draper style: that’s what the money was for!

plutocrats building apocalypse bunkers is maybe a great example of the iron law of institutions.

@sqrtminusone i mean i hope it doesn't... but it's a pitch.

in reply to @sqrtminusone

@sqrtminusone here's a screenshot, the beginning of the first e-mail in my original post. ("First Name" is redacted in green, 'cuz there's a lot of red built in.)

in reply to @sqrtminusone
Cleaned-up text from screenshot:

Lara Trump

YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO US! I really mean that. You never left President Trump’s side. Loyalty is huge in the Trump family, especially to my father-in-law. So please, I need you to take your support to the next level: 


Without MAGA standing by his side, Donald J. Trump would have been destroyed by the Biden Regime. But there’s one thing | know about my father-in-law:

He has felt your support through every single Indictment, Hoax, Raid, Arrest, and Witch Hunt... So right now before the clock strikes midnight

PLEASE STAND WITH TRUMP BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! Cleaned-up text from screenshot: FROM THE DESK OF Lara Trump YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO US! I really mean that. You never left President Trump’s side. Loyalty is huge in the Trump family, especially to my father-in-law. So please, I need you to take your support to the next level: SIGN THE PETITION TO STAND WITH TRUMP Without MAGA standing by his side, Donald J. Trump would have been destroyed by the Biden Regime. But there’s one thing | know about my father-in-law: He has felt your support through every single Indictment, Hoax, Raid, Arrest, and Witch Hunt... So right now before the clock strikes midnight PLEASE STAND WITH TRUMP BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!

@SteveRoth not a pitch i love tbh!

in reply to @SteveRoth

@SteveRoth (i think that there was a "the fuhrer loves you" vibe among "good germans", but i don't recall where i have gotten that impression and certainly stand ready to be corrected.)

in reply to self

A person who would also be 'swaldman' but with a different first name than me seems accidentally to have signed up an email address that's mine to Trump mailing lists.

I've found it fascinating. The public conversation from Trump is all resentment and grievance, but the inside pitch to supporters is "I love you, I chose you, I need you" It's about making the supporter feel special, essential, part of the family.

I've redacted the S-beginning first name that isn't mine.

Screnshot of e-mails from the last few days, transcribed here as <sender>: <subject>

A bit abridged to fit here.

Lara Trump: You are loved
Trump Membership Team: President Trump selected you
Donald J. Trump: I owe my life to you!
Donald J. Trump: This is a RED FLAG
Trump Polling Team: re: I need you to make a public declaration of support
Trump Membership Services: Are you ready to join Trump's inner circle?
President Donald J. Trump: I, I'm upgrading you!
Donald J. Trump: I'll never forget what you did for me
Lara Trump: re: _____, I chose you
Eric Trump: My father would love to hear from _____
President Trump: Please!
Lara Trump: _____, I chose you
President Trump: Have you ever seen a camo MAGA hat?
Lara Trump: Only our top supporters get this opportunity
TRUMP BIRTHDAY ALERTS: The Trump family has been trying to reach you
Donald J. Trump: I'm not making any final VP decisions until I hear from you
Trump Membership Services: This is your chance to make history
Lara Trump: Want a chance to dine with my father-in-law?
Trump Polling Team: re: I need you to make a public declaration of support
Eric Trump: My father would love to hear from _____
Lara Trump: I'm only asking _____
Donald J. Trump: _____, you've got guts
Lara Trump: The countdown is on
Lara Trump: I need one thing from you, _____ President Trump Please!
Trump Polling Team: re: I need you to make a public declaration of support
MAGA Hats from Donald Tru...: I love you Screnshot of e-mails from the last few days, transcribed here as : A bit abridged to fit here. Lara Trump: You are loved Trump Membership Team: President Trump selected you Donald J. Trump: I owe my life to you! Donald J. Trump: This is a RED FLAG Trump Polling Team: re: I need you to make a public declaration of support Trump Membership Services: Are you ready to join Trump's inner circle? President Donald J. Trump: I, I'm upgrading you! Donald J. Trump: I'll never forget what you did for me Lara Trump: re: _____, I chose you Eric Trump: My father would love to hear from _____ President Trump: Please! Lara Trump: _____, I chose you President Trump: Have you ever seen a camo MAGA hat? Lara Trump: Only our top supporters get this opportunity TRUMP BIRTHDAY ALERTS: The Trump family has been trying to reach you Donald J. Trump: I'm not making any final VP decisions until I hear from you Trump Membership Services: This is your chance to make history Lara Trump: Want a chance to dine with my father-in-law? Trump Polling Team: re: I need you to make a public declaration of support Eric Trump: My father would love to hear from _____ Lara Trump: I'm only asking _____ Donald J. Trump: _____, you've got guts Lara Trump: The countdown is on Lara Trump: I need one thing from you, _____ President Trump Please! Trump Polling Team: re: I need you to make a public declaration of support MAGA Hats from Donald Tru...: I love you

we are all the hare.

Photo: Tortoise Jonathan at Plantation House Saint Helena 1886 and in 2020 Photo: Tortoise Jonathan at Plantation House Saint Helena 1886 and in 2020

@realcaseyrollins funding the government is just regulating demand. the government doesn’t need cash — it is the source of that. but if it just prints cash, there’s too much demand and thus inflation. thus one important role of taxation is to regulate demand, to make sure the cash it spends into the economy, along with other factors, don’t undermine the real value of the money it prints. i agree with you that taxes like sales or value-added taxes are one good way to do that.

in reply to this

@realcaseyrollins taxes have different purposes. a sales tax helps regulate demand. the main point of the income tax, though it has been enfeebled first by Kennedy, then by Reagan, is to regulate the income distribution. progressive is its very point.

in reply to this

@realcaseyrollins very progressive, especially at the high end.

in reply to this

we think of dracula as this bad guy, but among his kind he is revered for offering a product that is organic, ethically-sourced, free-range.

@realcaseyrollins income tax! drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/

in reply to this

@realcaseyrollins taxation isn’t theft. when we had a reasonable income tax structure in the late 1940s, no one was stolen from.

in reply to this

@jgordon @pluralistic we all tell ourselves sweet little lies.

in reply to @jgordon

@jching @pluralistic they are great, until they aren't. that's often how it goes.

in reply to @jching

how on earth did Microsoft do this, and not face any meaningful consequence?

i mean all software has bugs, sure. but if you are selling high-consequence software, when you are notified of security issues, you address them. is there no criminal liability in selling a product for money when you know it to be extraordinarily dangerous to your customers, making no good faith attempt to mitigate the risk?

by propublica.org/article/microso

ht @pluralistic

"There's an implicit bargain that every monopolist makes… I will be a benevolent dictator who spends…windfall profits on maintaining product quality and security… [M]onopolists always violate this bargain. When faced with the decision to either invest in quality+security, or hand billions of dollars to their shareholders, they'll always take the latter. Why wldn't they? Once they have a monopoly, they don't have to worry abt losing customers to a competitor" @pluralistic pluralistic.net/2024/06/14/pat

@Hyolobrika libertarianism absent democratic guardrails is very consistent with authoritarianism. the only state coercion you need is property rights enforcement to have authoritarianism under a plutocratic wealth distribution. everybody's free speech is harmless when all the distribution channels censor themselves in plutocratic interests. there are no demonstrations because the owner of the square doesn't permit them, though of course you have the "right" to demonstrate on your own property.

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