[new draft post] The US Federal income tax in pictures drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/

catastrophe and apostrophe rhyme.

makes an interesting point. Spending seems to be growing at a rapid clip, but stuff like the interest we don't receive on our checking account banks earn more than 5% risk-free is imputed as "spending", as if we pay a bank fee. Much of the spending growth seems to be in these kinds of imputed categories, which may be less inflationary than other kinds of "spending". theovershoot.co/p/is-consumer-

@djc i don’t anything makes them egalitarian. i think it was a political project, a thing they did. it’s been successful, but it always faces challenges that might undermine it. “reforms” made when neoliberalism was ascendant altered the tradeoffs, probably for better and for worse. immigration and perceptions that immigrants don’t live up to the reciprocality and solidarity that are the normative scaffolding for Nordic egalitarianism are a contemporary challenge they are working to address.

in reply to @djc

@djc the Nordics, I’d say.

in reply to @djc

liberalism without egalitarianism collapses into authoritarianism. egalitarianism without liberalism collapses into authoritarianism. there are tensions between egalitarianism and liberalism. tolerating and managing them is better than the alternatives.

@timberwraith they must be an immigrant.

in reply to @timberwraith

@timberwraith (i hope it is clear it is not immigrants i am making fun of here.)

in reply to self

@Glubhorn9 well the opposite of its opposite is just this.

in reply to @Glubhorn9

That sounds plausible. But so does its opposite.

[tech notebook] Green shoots of sprouts tech.interfluidity.com/2024/06

This sentence kind of breaks my heart:

"Now, at least symbolically, Trump joins America’s greatest democratic socialist, Eugene V. Debs, as a candidate seeking the presidency from a jail cell"


why do we see warnings for mature content but not for immature content?

“How Google helped destroy adoption of RSS feeds” openrss.org/blog/how-google-he

They like him because they hate you. Sometimes it’s just that simple.

have you equipped yourself with the knowledge you need?

@dpp @kentwillard there are definitely tradeoffs between the kind of coherence that can come from a small group of dedicated people, and the risk of capture that also comes with that! i am at this point happy to make the trade you are not happy to make. the court's ability to function coherently while Congress cannot is a real problem. it is Congress that must ultimately strategically shape the law, the Court's role should be more WTF fix this! than FTFY. But YMMV!

in reply to @dpp

@Jonathanglick (that would apply both to saving the horses and killing them, right? re logical rigor, yeah. for the most part i treat any ethical or political claim grounded even in part on theology as lunacy, and don't spend much time trying to evaluate. perhaps that's biased, unfair. but though of course some theologically grounded claims are fascinating and wonderful, as a class i think what renders them exceptional is the ease with which they justify the otherwise unjustifiable.)

Is there still any indieweb energy behind decentralizing reviews? Unsurprisingly, Google seems to have ceased supporting the microformat-based review markup discussed by Aaron Parecki here.

I don't want to rely upon or care very much about Google. But I would like to converge on a shared practice with other people trying to desilo-ify the web.


@MartyFouts @pluralistic not sure what name we are talking about?

Merge the court. interfluidity.com/v2/7964.html

// I periodically for no particular reason repost this one. @kentwillard suggested now would be a good time. 🎵 Who am I to disagree? 🎵