@migurski thanks!
1password is my password manager. i really like it! but i don’t love keeping passwords and 2FA generators in the same app, because then the 1password master password becomes essentially a single factor.
@migurski thanks!
1password is my password manager. i really like it! but i don’t love keeping passwords and 2FA generators in the same app, because then the 1password master password becomes essentially a single factor.
My dear geeky Mastodonians,
What do you use for your 2FA time-based authenticator app?
I used Google Authenticator for years, but then I had my busted iPhone swapped out and lost all my seeds, some of which I did not have recovery codes for, which has been a real drag. I’d like a thing that backs up to iCloud like everything else in some well-encrypted form. I don’t want to use my password manager. In case that is ever compromised, I want a meaningful second factor.
What say you?
sometimes i think it would be best if Netanyahu were to pull an Idi Amin, but Saudi Arabia would find it harder to give sanctuary to Bibi than it did to that other gentleman.
Trump on the other hand has said he might go to Venezuela, by which he usually means El Salvador, if an electoral loss puts him in carceral jeopardy. plausible enough!
@dpp That’ll speed things up for sure!
I’m guessing you’ve already seen this: https://x.com/BenRemaly/status/1825650894236684585
“A big reason why the right talks so much about immigration is that to talk about anything else - climate change, the cost of living, failing public services, unaffordable housing, flatlining real wages and so on - would be to bring capitalism into question. And that it must not do.” #ChrisDillow https://stumblingandmumbling.typepad.com/stumbling_and_mumbling/2024/08/the-end-of-modernity.html
// see also his explanation why the British center-left no longer talks about “modernisation”. they loved to in the 80s and 90s, when “it meant attacking unions and the poor”.
#MattBruenig points out that the current union certification process amounts to a kind of bureaucratic trench warfare that the National Labor Relations Board lacks the resources to adjudicate. We could massively expand its funding, or better yet, streamline the process of certifying a union with card-check, an Obama campaign promise abandoned due to Congressional resistance. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/21/opinion/starbucks-union-government.html
This post is hitting my socials right now.
Bernie is a Moses figure.
@admitsWrongIfProven i’ll stick with dead people.
it’s weird how you can watch dead people performing live.
“within every lean, hungry, tech start-up founder, a bloated monopolist was struggling to get out.” @henryfarrell https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2024/08/no-exit-opportunities-business-models-and-political-thought-in-silicon-valley/
// from what is actually a thoughtful and sympathetic meditation on reconciling Silicon Valley ideals with complicated human reality, not a mere polemic against tech founders and VCs.
love the humans, each and every.
Great pushback to the egregious Obama apoligism and Biden accomplishment minimization by a certain cadre of self-proclaimed “centrists”. (They are the center of nothing, may they forever rule their domain.)
By @ryanlcooper https://prospect.org/economy/2024-08-19-in-defense-of-bidenomics/
from @csissoko https://syntheticassets.wordpress.com/2018/09/16/why-claims-that-the-2008-bailout-was-a-success-should-make-you-angry/ ht @ryanlcooper
@smeg (this wasn’t my experience or issue, i’m just quoting Kevin Drum.)
@BenRossTransit (Thank you!)
@KarlHeinzHasliP (not me! i’m quoting Kevin Drum.)
“Oh great. It's no longer possible to download the Barnes & Noble Nook app, which means there's no way to install it on my new tablet. This in turn means that the ~100 books I have on Nook are now gone. Pffft. I will never be able to read them again.
Three cheers for the intersection of modern technology and crappy corporations.” #KevinDrum https://jabberwocking.com/no-more-nook/
“Generally speaking, firms with more market power can price gouge, so [price gouging] laws are sometimes known as ‘antitrust as last resort.’” @matthewstoller https://www.thebignewsletter.com/p/monopoly-round-up-price-gouging-vs
[new draft post] Murdering Hayek https://drafts.interfluidity.com/2024/08/18/murdering-hayek/index.html