the thunder is very distant but it’s ominous tonight.

i keep reading about a trial date and i didn’t even know that you could bring one. even provisionally.

This service is currently unavailable.

We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

@HamonWry we love you!

in reply to @HamonWry

is not ideal.

@paninid did you see ?

in reply to @paninid

@realcaseyrollins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

in reply to @realcaseyrollins

@realcaseyrollins he's been pretty windy and destructive for a while.

in reply to @realcaseyrollins

i guess the M in these images is for 'Major Hurricane' but i just think of it as 'Motherf%er'.

NOAA Graphic, cone of probable path and intensity of (currently still) Tropical Storm Idalia. NOAA Graphic, cone of probable path and intensity of (currently still) Tropical Storm Idalia.

@realcaseyrollins (desantis has been a slow disaster, but the immediate impetus of a federal disaster area declaration covering much of florida is the impending now-tropical-storm, soon-hurricane idalia.)

in reply to @realcaseyrollins

it's been a while since made the state a disaster area, but it's nice to see the Federal government formally acknowledging that.

getting so many texts and robot voice calls and siren-like long-tone warnings in the iphone about this hurricane it feels like the subtext is you're all gonna die.

erring on the side of making absolutely sure via every redundancy that everyone is warned might be the right choice. but it has some downsides too.

if you understand the question, what's your answer?

(maybe why in replies!)

systemd timers
(12 votes)
(27 votes)

@sindarina or vice versa 🦶

in reply to @sindarina

“Human beings find meaning only by living in ‘multiple realities,’ flourishing in those human sanctuaries where thought, creativity, friendship, love, and worship are nurtured and expressed. But today we are mentally trapped by the logic of competitive life, living as functionaries in a world where it seems nothing is leisure, everything is work, and the boundaries protecting the sacred from the profane are being erased every day.” ht @poetryforsupper

We need the independent bookstore version of Google.

"The capital income distributed to wealthy people is a bigger drain on the disposable income of workers than the tax-and-transfer system is, generally speaking."

@Frances_Larina i agree completely.

in reply to @Frances_Larina

@guacamayan 🙂 i’m a bit slow.

in reply to @guacamayan

@guacamayan once upon a time.

user-generated links now come from the gigasites and SEO manipulation. organic linking of good content from user-controlled sites is overwhelmed to negligibility. traditional Google page rank fails to provide quality results.

Google increasingly not only downranks in the list but refuses to surface more obscure results. it relies on the "authority" of linkers, which means, it builds in a Matthew effect.

it's quite terrible now.

but then, so are its competitors.

in reply to @guacamayan