@StefanThinks on my skin too!

in reply to @StefanThinks

@alexqgb it does automigrate, but it’s a bit clunky because it does so many follow operations that it git rate-limited on econtwitter.net. i think people who set themselves up to approve followers have to reapprove you as follower, maybe as a follow to.

in reply to @alexqgb

@alexqgb one annoying thing is hashtags to which i’ve subscribed seem not to have migrated.

in reply to self

@alexqgb I can see that I have most — but not quite all — of my former followings and followers. I’m still down by ~5%, but they are still occasionally trickling in, so we’ll see.

in reply to @alexqgb

@alexqgb (i’m glad to see we are still — or newly, depending how you think of it — mutuals!)

in reply to self

@llimllib @interfluidity@fosstodon.org a strange thing is that my intuitions are that local communities might have more freewheeling norms than are appropriate for public broadcast (and have admired / wanted hometown style local-only posting for that). but so far my experience has been local norms more restrictive than the broader network. it must depend upon the particular locality, but absent local-only posting, federation creates incentives for cautious norms at every instance.

in reply to @llimllib

One application: maybe VisionPro will be the best way to safely view an eclipse.

@evemassacre Thank you! So far so good!

in reply to @evemassacre

@ateriath Thanks! I've archived them all, and they still live in amber on fosstodon.org (i think!), so it's only a kind of semi-ephemera, to mitigate the sadness.

in reply to @ateriath

@nyzn @johnquiggin so far so good!

in reply to @nyzn

I really like the fosstodon.org community, but I post too much political stuff, and I don't want to put it all behind content warnings, per their norms, as I think that would interfere with the conversations I want to have.

So, I will soon be moving here!