we all agree it’s very clear who is to blame. we just don’t agree who is to blame.

@admitsWrongIfProven somehow we have to undercut the whole dynamic i think.

in reply to @admitsWrongIfProven

@admitsWrongIfProven to treat as outside of the community of moral concern and empathy

in reply to @admitsWrongIfProven

it’s natural to other those who other you, but where does that take us or leave us?

@ouguoc awwww shucks!

in reply to @ouguoc

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i find it very frightening to be afraid, so i consider myself something of a phobophobe.

“The investment surge resulting in part from Mr Biden’s policies so far looks like the opposite of pork-barrel politics: most of the money has gone to places that do not favour him.” economist.com/united-states/20

@PedestrianError i guess i was living recently in the SF Bay Area, where what Republicans there were tried to cultivate a “fiscally responsible” good government vibe. but before that, until 2012 i was in Kentucky, and i never encountered anything like the open vindictiveness that’s now normal in Florida.

in reply to @PedestrianError

@kevin end of an era! i'm a bit nostalgic now…

in reply to @kevin

Eliminate the slavery loophole that remains in the US Constitition. edition.cnn.com/2023/06/16/pol

one thing that distinguishes Florida politics from other places I've lived is the forthright pettiness of Republican politicians. when they feel slighted they use state power to punish, pretty openly *pour encourager les autres*. eu.floridatoday.com/story/news

i’m a bit disappointed that late capitalism hasn’t released a deplorables brand of biscuit.

there is a tacit religion defined by the kind of person for whom vox.com is a catechism.

@lowqualityfacts i am always at the vanguard.

in reply to @lowqualityfacts

@mattlehrer @lawfare (in that case, i’d be curious to see them too!)

in reply to @mattlehrer

@mattlehrer @lawfare an interesting piece! but the “silent witness” rule would permit jurors to see everything, just obfuscate what observers among the general public could know. i still wonder how concerns about jurors’ discretion are to be addressed.

in reply to @mattlehrer

I am trying out pixelfed… pixelfed.social/p/interfluidit

are jurors in the Trump documents case going to have to get security clearances?

@SteveRoth @johnquiggin @nyzn They remain on fosstodon! fosstodon.org/@interfluidity

in reply to @SteveRoth