Anyone have any advice on trying to escape teleconference/meeting platforms (zoom, teams, meet, whatever) with open source or bespoke infrastructure (jitsi, edumeet, janus/, mediasoup, etc.)?

"We keep doing this: we keep seeking metrics to cut out human judgment, but it can’t be done."

suppose X has effect Y over the short term, but may well not have that effect, in fact might have the opposite effect -Y, over a longer term.

a well-known expert makes a public statement, simply "X has effect Y."

how does one characterize that statement?

(and no, i will not say who i might be "subtooting".)

I'm trying to get all my podcast feeds in my regular reader, so they're not just stuck in Apple or Castro siloes.

This site has been a big help. Type the podcast name in the search. If you don't see a clear result, restrict the search to "The Podcast Index" on the results page. Scroll down. You'll see a ton of icons, but plain-old-rss-feed is the last one.

@failedLyndonLaRouchite @ddayen See @katearonoff's great "Pool Party Progressivism" piece.

in reply to @failedLyndonLaRouchite

"The logic of neoliberalism was that reducing the scope of government would reduce spending. What the paper makes clear is that the result was the exact opposite: *increased* spending for the things we need government to do." @ddayen

// State-capacity — a bigger in-sourced state, rather than a privatized, outsourced, consultantified one — saves public money. Dramatically.

@DetroitDan I think a lot of the dispute is what "realistic tribalism" can mean in countries whose scale is in the hundreds of millions. There's going to be a lot of diversity there, or there's going to have to be very strictly enforced homogeneity, of behavior and in the information environment. "Liberals" (globalists/humanists/cosmopolitans) have made a lot of mistakes, but their rivals IMHO still have no answer to this dilemma (and so choose repressively enforced homogeneity).

in reply to @DetroitDan

This is all mail from one flotilla of weird right-wing catastrophist / stock-market shill mailing list. They come from tens of different domains, but all share the same layout.

A screenshot of 32 incoming spam e-mails over about 12 hours, appearing to come from different domains but sharing precisely the same layout. A screenshot of 32 incoming spam e-mails over about 12 hours, appearing to come from different domains but sharing precisely the same layout.
An example spam e-mail in the shared layout of all of these, showing today's date in a black bar, shilling for some ChatGPT-related stock hype below. An example spam e-mail in the shared layout of all of these, showing today's date in a black bar, shilling for some ChatGPT-related stock hype below.

has a model of student debt dynamics that he cites without evidence (“almost by definition”) that I think is just wrong. Older cohorts still with student debt are not, I think, predominantly affluent professionals who took a lot of debt — affluent genxers have paid theirs off by now! It’s people who have struggled to pay and seen debt grow through capitalization of interest and penalties.

@hcetamd call it the poor door.

in reply to @hcetamd

"The New Deal…built a tremendous amount of infrastructure… It also built a hell of a lot of places for people to have fun… Investments in those things weren’t a sideshow… New Deal liberalism…was self-consciously interested in making the case for itself to the public by making tangible improvements in the lives of working people." @katearonoff ht @kylascan

// essential

@DetroitDan I think "greedy bastards" can overlap with almost any group! Certainly I think even Donald Trump would admit it characterizes, or at least has in the past characterized, Donald Trump! I'm not sure who you mean by the elite (do you mean us, people like you and me?). Globalists or liberals or humanists have clearer meanings to me, but they certainly don't mean virtue in contrast with greed as a vice. ("economic anxiety" isn't a virtue even if you think "racial resentment" a vice.) 1/

in reply to @DetroitDan

@DetroitDan From a "Trumpian perspective" doesn't require than we analyze a different question. The question isn't an attack. I mean, I'm sure Trumpians would consider "fascist" as epithet for movements like theirs, so okay, for the purpose of analysis we can set that aside and call it "right populism". Many Trumpists (eg early Steve Bannon) emphasized economic grievance as the motivation for their movement, many liberals called bullshit, people like me, maybe you, considered it plausible. 2/

in reply to self

@DetroitDan In other words, this debate isn't an attack on Trumpish people that might be met with a reciprocal counterattack. It's a debate they've acknowledged and participated in, albeit with different normative vibes. "Ordinary Americans are tired of getting robbed and losing their jobs to enrich a rich elites" is an economic-anxiety-necessitated-this-movement claim, openly embraced within the movement. 3/

in reply to self

@DetroitDan Withini the Trumpish right, there are real tensions between what you might call old-school populism (tear down the corrupt elites!) and a more cultural or racial project (America for real Americans, immigrants from shithole countries will make us a shithole country, liberalism, cosmopolitan, miscegenation literal or metaphorical is inherently corrupt and corrupting, only maintaining or restoring a kind of purity and traditionalism can save us). 4/

in reply to self

@DetroitDan It's their debate about themselves as much as ours about them, although again, most (not all!) of them would insist on putting it in more sympathetic terms than "fascist", at least when referring their own faction. 5/

in reply to self

@DetroitDan None of this is to say that "liberals" or "globalists" or "cosmopolitans" are innocent of greed or complicity and participation in misrule over the past few decades. We have been badly misgoverned the last few decades, and any and every faction that has been meaningfully enfranchised during the period and that did well for itself while a broader public suffered and the planet boiled has something to answer for. 6/

in reply to self

@DetroitDan That includes a neoliberal professional class for sure! We (you and me too) have a lot to answer for. But that critique would implicate at least as much a plutocratic class — the Mercers and Kochs and Musks and Thiels — who are somehow absolved, somehow not the object of populist iconoclasm, despite having had more influence over economic life during the period than latte-sipping LGBTQ-sympathetic academics. 7/

in reply to self

@DetroitDan It is this peculiarity, this distinguishing between the elites who are forgotten and forgiven, vs the "woke" ones on whom all the misrule should be blamed, that justifies the word "fascism" not as an epithet but as a descriptor. Because the move here is to name enemies in order to absolve as innocent "patriots" whose sins were at least as great. 8/

in reply to self

@DetroitDan The enemies must be terrible. Pedophiles! So that it is clear we must bind together, we "real Americans", "we patriots", we must unify against the pedophile and Satanists, it would be divisive to note that the Kochs and Mercers and Thiels and Musks are rather important elements of the decades of misrule that have lain us so low. We must overlook that, join together in the existential fight against the woke! 9/

in reply to self

@DetroitDan That precisely (it doesn't have to be the woke, any insidious enemy will do, though sexual minorities are especially effective) is what I call fascism, this move of justifying military-like coordination and single-mindedness at a broad social scale by identifying enemies, especially insidious internal enemies, the defeat of whom must override any lesser or more liberal consideration. /fin

in reply to self

@yarrriv God's children!

in reply to @yarrriv

cc @poetryforsupper ht @jalcine

i see confirmation bias everywhere i look.

you never know if you’re an npc.

@doriantaylor happy!

in reply to @doriantaylor

during its next rate cut cycle, will the Fed hit the zero-bound? (let’s call any fed fund target of 25-50bps or less “the zero bound”.)

(11 votes)
(18 votes)

alright woke media really is getting out of hand.

a street sign with an arrow pointing left, “N.P.R. POLICE” a street sign with an arrow pointing left, “N.P.R. POLICE”

it's a tribute to how sweet it was, and will be again when they are long forgotten, how many and puffed these grifters are who are descending upon like flies.