@mattlehrer @tchambers (somewhat unfortunately indeed, but thanks!)

in reply to @mattlehrer

@mhkohne @isomorphismes @jpkoning @mattlehrer @paulgp a quick look turns up this by @joeycastillo github.com/joeycastillo/twitte

in reply to @mhkohne

[Announcing] fossilphant — a static-site generator to self-host your posts from Mastodon archives github.com/swaldman/fossilphan

Check out examples, themes with paging mchange.com/projects/fossilpha or as one tall page mchange.com/projects/fossilpha

My current instance is sunsetting, and I want to make sure the banalities I posted here remain forever public.

If you are in similar straits, I'd love it if you gave this a try!

cc @isomorphismes @jpkoning @mattlehrer @paulgp

A rather terrifying view of India from Arundhati Roy. aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/8/ar ht @hapbt

“One of the book’s central claims is that the idea of rights as a political concept is immediately tangible and appealing to the general public. Policy can be endlessly detailed and arcane, including in the implementation of rights. But on the surface, the idea of, say, a right to a job, is readily grasped.” @maxbsawicky on ’s new book. inthesetimes.com/article/biden

@jpkoning I haven't decided yet either... I'm putting together an application to republish our post archives as a static site, to not lose econtwitter.net history. I'll ping you with that if you are interested.

I might look at zirk.us just because someone there was kind enough to encourage / welcome me. Its norms look broadly okay. But I'm still mulling.

in reply to @jpkoning

what good are green leaves in a dark place?

if it wasn't the right thing to do, there wouldn't be so much money in it.

@rezendi i dunno… i can recall software people were actively building, early stages of which were released, but the promised end of which never came to be. that’s not uncommon for software with ambitious ends, which bluesky has in spades.

ex post i think it’s easy to call those projects vapor. ex ante, i guess it’s, um, schroedinger’s gas.

i hope bluesky exumes as a condensate and any implications of vaporatude ex ante seem ex post ill-considered and scurrilous!

in reply to @rezendi

@realcaseyrollins i’m not sure yet… will have to choose soon!

in reply to this

@isomorphismes (when i figure it out, i'll let you know! i've tried on python utility... it's not gonna work for me.)

in reply to @isomorphismes

@isomorphismes ( this is one approach... but my preference would be ultimately to self-host posts from old instances rather than just move them along, since the links will be broken in either case. c18.masto.host/@carrideen/1110 )

in reply to self

it’s weird that original sin is the apple, not Abel.

@cshentrup but hopeful! 🙂

in reply to @cshentrup

@cshentrup eventually... when there will be the possibility of migrating!

all of that is a work-in-progress for now. for now, blue sky is just a single site with a peculiar architecture internally.

i hope it lives up to its ambitions! but i'm cautious about it until it does.

in reply to @cshentrup

@bgawalt @rezendi I really do wish the project success at becoming what it has billed itself as striving to be rather than what it currently is. The closer the better!

in reply to @bgawalt

@jockr there is, if someone wants to do it. i’m not stepping up.

in reply to @jockr

@rezendi so, the more building blocks the better! but as of now, even if i used my domain as a handle, if bluesky shutdown or did something awful, i’d have to do all the building with my blocks, there’s no existing infrastructure i can rely on, right?

(i’ll probably end up doing some building here, just to preserve my posts in some servable form.)

in reply to @rezendi

@mattlehrer yes. that would be great. (it’s how i’ve migrated my blog between platforms without breaking old links.)

in reply to @mattlehrer

@mattlehrer (i’m working on a mastodon archive => static site thing now… hopefully more very soon.)

in reply to self

@DontMindMe (it’s certainly nice to feel welcome somewhere!)

in reply to @DontMindMe

@rezendi but it’s vapor for now, isn’t it? i want to be excited by bluesky, but i’ve avoided it so far because it seems in fact to be just another corporate-ish provider “greenwashing” itself with conversations about a not-really-implemented protocol.

in reply to @rezendi