he seems so interested in exposing the wrongdoing of his predecessors. where’s the “Twitter Files” on this, Elon? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/04/twitter-saudi-arabia-human-rights-abuses
about last night…
Audible hopes you have enjoyed this program.
he was always an innovator in transportation — electric cars, rocket ships, hyperloops — but now he’s really outdone himself, inventing the 24-hour train wreck.
sometimes i take heart that the future may be weirder than we can possibly imagine.
if this is a problem, the solution is called “taxes”.
cf #JeffStein https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/09/03/us-debt-deficit-rises-interest-rate/
@protecttruth true grit.
you talk like it’s a bad thing, rich people being above the law. it’s a powerful incentive to produce!
“A home is lost twice: first when you leave it and then again when you return.” #MihretSibhat https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-09-02/queer-lgbtq-ethiopia-touch-sexuality-identity-united-states
(via Technology As Nature http://www.technologyasnature.com/touchy-4/)
it’s harder for people to figure out what they’re for than what they’re against.
it’s not just AI generated bullshit.
i fear a lot of “lifehacks” and other human “influencer” content on tiktok, youtube, insta etc is similarly optimized to draw your attention with little concern with the consequences if you are enthusiastic enough to actually take the advice.
Without context.
what if the secret to a good life really is just doing everything that your spam emails advise?
@lauren tech 🤝 drug policy
burning man used to have kind of an exclusive vibe but thanks to climate change it’s been democratized.
@ajroach42 I hope it will be better.
"Defining Bidenomics" — a Polycrisis/JFI panel (Ted Fertik , Daniela Gabor, Tim Sahay, Daniel Denvir) https://www.phenomenalworld.org/interviews/bidenomics/
@isomorphismes think of all the political activity plutocrats finance as "charity".
it's weird how the economic right is obsessed with the problem of free-riding on the benefits side, but not on the tax side.
(defund the IRS! they cry, ensuring those who cheat can free-ride upon those who pay.)