super-NIMBY, one home per acre way too dense. or should we consider this good, actually, preventing suburban sprawl in favor of infill or at least denser development?

@stevenbodzin “pretty”

i’d like to have a word with whoever invented the car alarm.

“Capitalism is the machine that will do whatever it takes to prevent us from turning it off, and the most successful weapon in its arsenal has been its campaign to prevent us from considering any alternatives.” ht @KathyReid @snipe

i would like to see a television show
that would be a kind of police procedural, only the “detective” would be an IRS investigator going after the ever-more-elaborate tax dodges of very high-net-worth cheats.

which is worse, for things to go sideways or pear-shaped?

"in reality it would be every bit as illegal for Biden to respect [the debt ceiling] as ignore it." @ryanlcooper

what does it mean for a thing to be true?

if looks could bill i’d be in debtors prison, baby.

the most hopeful thing i’ve read about LLMs lately (the part before the paywall at least…) ht Stephen Pimentel

i don’t know why joni is always both-sidesing everything now.

@John @timbray if you are a single user, it’s a pretty different problem. there’s you, and there’s the fediverse, you block what you don’t want to see.

but what if you ran, say, a community of crypto tech enthusiasts? their standards for what constitutes crypto spam might be looser than most instances (for whom promotion of almost any crypto project is probably unwanted). 1/

@John @timbray i think the wrong choice is to restrict within forum conversations to what other forums want to federate with. that creates a least-common-denominator world. but widespread defederation is bad too.

the right choice imho is to have distinct standards for local-only and into-the-fediverse posts, with the latter much more homogeneous and cautious than the former. /fin

in reply to self

does anyone know of any description of the privacy characteristics of ACH bank transfers? do ACH transfers leave customer-level data with clearinghouses or other parties outside of the participating banks? how do the privacy characteristics of ACH compare with those of something like the upcoming FedNow?

(thanks @chrisp for posing this question, to which i'd given oddly little thought.)

banking is the original twitter. you don't want to be the main character.

(how does one select the "at-risk youth" one means to help?)

i’m a bit deflated by the spam i haven’t received.

(i finally got mine!)

in reply to self

“Most corrupt acts don't take the form of clearly immoral choices. People fight those. Corruption thrives where there is a tension between institutional and interpersonal ethics. There is ‘the right thing’ in abstract, but there are also very human impulses towards empathy, kindness, and reciprocity that result from relationships with flesh and blood people.” me, long ago.

this is the moment when our future is about to begin.

[new draft post] We haunt

i was today years old before i saw and heard footage of Huey Long speaking in his own voice. via Sandy Darity cc @poetryforsupper