in an era of generative art prompt engineering, art history becomes a STEM field.

(you have to know your artists to effectively author "in the style of..." clauses in your prompts.)

i've seen so much pessimism this week.

but it remains such a beautiful, fun language. i really enjoy it's true there are some real tooling hassles (please give me a good emacs mode). you lose time. but you can express things so cleanly and concisely.

there are tensions between what "industry" wants and an impulse to experiment. a lot of us were drawn to scala because it challenges us, keeps us learning. it never wanted to be . i don't think it should try now.

waiting for the to invent a lèse-majesté exception to the 1st Amendment with reference to itself.

after all, the Court is apolitical, so critique is not protected political speech; respect for the Court's dignity is essential to the survival and operation of the Constitutional order; and the Constitution is not a suicide pact.

we should all be grateful.

if the machine says you are guilty, you must be guilty.

if it turns out that was a bug, well, sorry i guess.

Marina Hyde via @NIH_LLAMAS @ct_bergstrom

Small and midsize banks are basically in the position middle-class homeowners with underwater mortgages in 2008 who lost their jobs were.

Over the medium-term, their housing values and home-equity wealth were due to come roaring back.

But they don't have the liquidity to carry their position, and they're not important enough for anyone to front them cheap money until then, so they take the loss, cede to bigger, better-connected players who will enjoy the roarback. 1/

Formally eliminating limits on deposit insurance might forestall the liquidity crises. Alternative, more generous Fed or other-government-agency lending terms for small and midsize banks than the already generous Bank Term Funding Program are probably the most likely way small and midsize banks will be saved, if they will be saved. /fin

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@otfrom only if you sign over the film and television rights, i’d think.

“It is not sinking in, generally, that their behavior has made everything they do completely illegitimate.” @Atrios

the more you love, the more you lose.

i am sorry to hear about gordon lightfoot.

this @TucsonSentinel piece ends on a rather shocking implication.

waiting for musk’s knock-off, red sky.

in hindsight the lack of foresight is 20/20.

not the first time i’ve seen this i think, but i love that people do this.

a bit of well-placed graffiti turns a kind of coat hook into a smiling octopus. a bit of well-placed graffiti turns a kind of coat hook into a smiling octopus.

when one finds oneself describing a thing one does as “ethical”, there’s a question.

“Can't quantify it, but really I think federal level corruption is so much worse than it used to be. I think practices that would shock ‘normal’ people are absolutely normal, but since ‘everybody’ is doing it, there's no way to even cover it for journalism.”

“We can start with how net worths just seem to blossom from the moment someone enters Congress, but that's certainly only the starting place.”

by @Atrios, to whom i apologize for quoting the whole post.

from whom do we have to buy property at inflated prices to get the Court to bless ?

hear me out.

i know it might seem like a reasonable request.

but those neighbors, they were really the deep state. even if they didn’t know it.

infected by woke mind virus, they were bringing in bicoastal “civility” norms which, by a thousand tiny strings in a thousand tiny knots, would entangle and block every manly freedom.

and of course even in death they were found on top of children. of course.

Chris Rufo is getting his way at . He understands the people are the battlefield.

It may feel good to walk out, rage quit, as several prominent faculty have done. It may very well be the best decision from a personal perspective. But it is ceding the only terrain that ultimately matters.

Can the faculty not hold out long enough to see if DeSantis and his cheap culture wars flame out as a political force in two years?

“If he had been a dog, she said, somebody would have rescued him long ago.”