the policy you propose, if it were implemented badly, would not succeed. therefore it is naive and counterproductive ever to try it.

when you are affluent, you value choice. when you are hungry, you value food.

if we have to argue whether a firm has a monopoly or not, the industry is too consolidated.

the way interest rate policy works is to impose a tax on the nonrich paid to the rich.

nonrich spend their marginal dollar bidding for (bidding up the price of) goods and services. the rich bank their marginal dollar. so such a tax can be disinflationary, if new money to the rich (Federal interest) doesn’t overwhelm

why is the cast of characters so small, that we have to recycle this particular villain?

it’s hard not to gotta-hand-it-to-them a bit on “US elites”, given how the same disappointments and mediocrities reinvent themselves in one another’s company where “new blood” or “merit” might otherwise appear.

(it’s even worse when you read the story. Dershowitz. Barr. a “dream team” of (in)famous hacks.)

with money, like any other thing, the dose is the poison.

on deportation, on tariffs, all the world is holding its breath, “does he really mean the extremity of what he proposes? or is the point to pocket some victory and negotiate back to moderation?”

it wouldn’t be an effective tool for negotiation if you could tell it was a bluff. you can’t.

i feel like i’ve been made president.

Screenshot of email message, from “Dropbox”, subject “trial canceled”. Screenshot of email message, from “Dropbox”, subject “trial canceled”.

@laprice forget ICE fund NORAD!

who do we have to tariff to stop the flow of ketamine?

Photograph of a cannon pointed at Baltimore Harbor / Downtown Baltimore from Federal Hill. Photograph of a cannon pointed at Baltimore Harbor / Downtown Baltimore from Federal Hill.

people who have learned nothing are now going to run everything.

a good pairing:

(ht @sjshancoxli for the latter)

how do you distinguish between writers who may often be mistaken from writers who are disingenuous and perhaps not worth bothering with?

kind of a surprising coincidence.

for both Ethereum and Bitcoin the circulating supply graph looks like a smoothed version of the (log) price graph, which is not a relationship i'd expect.

i think the explanation is just that, for both, supply grow declines over time, and both have "matured" in the sense their price growth rate is much lower than in their days of early foment.

still interesting.


Graph of Ethereum circulating supply and log price. Graph of Ethereum circulating supply and log price.
Graph of Bitcoin circulating supply and log price. Graph of Bitcoin circulating supply and log price.

i’ve never tried it, but i was intrigued.

Elon Musk has really ruined ketamine for me.

the first time his entourage enthused he had a mandate, he said that wasn’t his thing and asked where Laura was.

“Confronted with the helplessness of a real disaster that can only be solved through the collective action you've been told is both impossible and a Communist plot, you retreat to an individualistic disaster fantasy that you can play an outsized role in. Every crisis – the climate emergency, poverty, a toxic environment – is replaced by ‘bad people’ and you can go get them.” @pluralistic ht @shonin @GhostOnTheHalfShell

i pay them for a subscription year after year, and still i am the product. ht @schmidt_fu

“Mostly, we elect lawyers. Lawyers can do many things, but if you ask a lawyer to tell you how to make your drinking water safe, you will likely die a horrible death.” @pluralistic ht @mikeolson