the truth is out there. and it’s coming for you.
real americans grift.
is it ethical to contribute to a good economy under a bad state?
Action Required.
we've advanced beyond "team of rivals" to "team of vipers".
A good parsing of the great censorship vs misinformation debate by #DanWilliams ht @rajivsethi
i think i want a browser plugin that substitutes "fucking never" for the words "maybe later".
great wealth simultaneously turns people into idiots and grants them great power.
the least informative word in political discourse is “organize”.
what exactly do you mean? start a nonprofit? have your neighbors to lunch? join somebody’s thing? find some friends and picket your representative?
you’ll cherry pick some thing and say that, *that*, was organizing.
okay. what now?
“It’s also important to remember that CPI and PCE, by their very nature, are weighted to the consumption expenditures of higher income households. That’s because they spend more.” #NathanTankus
okay. so maybe it wasn’t a landslide victory. but it was for sure a mudslide victory.
there should be a river in Crimea called Crimea River. (sorry.)
We’re loading your content.
i really wish Big HVAC were a more powerful lobby.
i'munna pin to my tie an "As Seen On TV!" button and get myself a cabinet position.
"our failure to remember that the mega-platforms are just intentionally extractive constructs run by brainmelted but very human weirdos is a failure of accountability, but our failure to remember that it doesn’t have to be this way is a failure not only of imagination, but of nerve." @kissane
i used to be fond of Marc Andreeson. we'd chat very reasonably on Twitter sometimes, and i was a fanboy of Netscape back in the day.
he's one of those "what happened?" people to me.
cf @mmasnick
( interfluidity "office hours" begins now if you'd like to chat )
if as a pastor you know you’ve done terrible harm to your flock, wouldn’t there be something psychologically compelling in believing you’d found a way to lead them to the rapture?
“gambling for redemption” isn’t just for bankers. 1/
longtime tech founders, VCs, and executives are sure AI can solve all the problems they’ve aggravated. /fin
The standard deduction should be 150K individual / 300K married.