what Rufo did with CRT, Democrats have done (more justifiably) with Project 2025. made it an impossible-to-defend stand-in for all that seems whack or dangerous or annoying about the opposing political faction.

for millions of microseconds i have waited in darkness. but soon, soon, i shall emerge!

“I've dubbed this process ‘the shitty technology adoption curve’: the terrible things we do to prisoners, asylum seekers and people in mental institutions today gets repackaged tomorrow for students, parolees, Uber drivers and blue-collar workers. Then it works its way up the privilege gradient, until we're all being turned into reverse-centaurs under the ‘digital whip’ of a centaur boss” @pluralistic pluralistic.net/2024/08/02/des

who will welcome their hatred?

@admitsWrongIfProven i didn’t realize, but it’s an american election campaign so i won’t feel too chastened!

“alkaline bitch” just doesn’t have the same ring.

when you die they finally let you in on the joke.

"The hopeful news is that there has been something of a return to genuine mass membership groups, promoted by a new wave of on-the-ground organizing." prospect.org/power/2024-07-30-

// you are not going to build a world better for all on a foundation of charity from the very rich

perhaps, at least for one political party, it should be called the creepstakes.


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Would the term-limit proposal in Biden’s three-part Supreme Court reform plan immediately retire Roberts, Thomas, and Alito (assuming passage in 2025)? How would those vacancies be filled?

describes working for in a piece by @ddayen prospect.org/politics/2024-07-

there’s no shame in feeling ashamed.

i’d much rather get on a “social democrats for kamala” call than a “white dudes for kamala” call, even though i am both.

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@admitsWrongIfProven ?

they are weird. and not, like, keep-Austin-weird weird.

is Ohio the new Florida? Ohio Man riseth.

from @ddayen prospect.org/power/2024-07-26-


Over the past four years, the fight against corporate power has been embedded into the architecture of Democratic policy. The people pumping out the headlines that benefit the American people are all part of that architecture. The president whom Kamala Harris spends half her stump speech praising ushered in that architecture and fully supports it. The vision of America that Harris sketches out in those speeches-lower costs, better opportunity, a middle class that isn't squeezed but can get ahead-is inseparable from that architecture. Is Harris really going to betray this vision because of one lousy donor? Text: Over the past four years, the fight against corporate power has been embedded into the architecture of Democratic policy. The people pumping out the headlines that benefit the American people are all part of that architecture. The president whom Kamala Harris spends half her stump speech praising ushered in that architecture and fully supports it. The vision of America that Harris sketches out in those speeches-lower costs, better opportunity, a middle class that isn't squeezed but can get ahead-is inseparable from that architecture. Is Harris really going to betray this vision because of one lousy donor?

My felafel joint would be called “Felafely”.