we tend to obsess about Trump, but he’s already done his work. for now his chaos is a saving grace. if he were sidelined, more capable elements of the movement he brought to power might find a firmer footing.
Do you feel welcome in the United States?
q: how often do you see a ghost's butt?
a: once in a boo moon
from #HamiltonNolan https://inthesetimes.com/article/donald-trump-elon-musk-election-2024-dumb ht @ryanlcooper

you do suicide by police on the streets. you do suicide by secret police on social media.
the oath you took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States was not an oath to protect and defend John Roberts' interpretation of it.
the oath you took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States was not an oath to protect and defend John Roberts' interpretation of it.
i think we can agree that the nomination we all watched him withdraw from was rather young.
an irony of these times we're living through is it's failure of the Reagan Revolution that's about to put an end to the New Deal.
1) it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of the current system;
2) the current system is ending, soon. it is not sustainable, socially, politically, environmentally;
3) our dispreference for the end of the world (nuclear war) diminishes — our willingness to take risks with collective survival increases — as something similarly scary seems already baked in, a sunk cost. the end of the world seems less worse-than-the-alternatives than it used to seem.
“there should never again be a Democratic nominee who doesn't host their own podcast. Let's start there.” @dave http://scripting.com/2024/11/21/143547.html
i think we have to concede that republican nannygates are spicier.
perhaps it was the wisdom of the American people to heighten the contradictions.
sometimes i worry that it is our inclination to insist upon competent fascists.
the richest man on the planet understands that you may suffer some hardship.
“the governor must fill any vacancies on the state’s top courts with appointees recommended by the political party of the departing judge. That will prevent Stein from appointing Democrats to fill future openings on the state Supreme Court, where Republicans hold a majority.”
They’re just not even pretending anymore. Except when Democrats threaten to do anything similar. Then it’s Radicals Destroying The Constitutional Order.
via #KevinDrum
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all these takes as if Harris lost on "the issues".
her takes on the issues poll much better than his takes, my dear popularists.
she lost because he was perceived by low information, go-with-your-gut, voters as someone willing to let it hang out while she was cautious, scripted, hiding something.
“If you are calling from a touch-tone phone, please dial the extension number you wish to reach, or dial zero for assistance. If you are calling from a rotary dial phone, please stay on the line for assistance. Please hold a moment. That mailbox is full. Thank you for calling. If you are calling from a touchtone phone…”
Repeats forever, whether I dial zero or some random “extension number” or just wait. Trying to reach the kid’s pediatrician.
we’re living in an 80s movie in which the bad kids occupy the principal’s office and announce over the squealing PA there will be changes. all the kids cheer! you are supposed to cheer.