am i misreading the joke, or was Trump not the first major figure to allude to genital size during this campaign?
if a firm allowed Kamala to do what Trump did today, there'd be a big to-do across conservative media about how real americans are gonna eat at Burger King.
what we didn't realize in the 1980 was that those dots were all the votes he was buying and the ghosts were trying to save democracy.
i feel the presence of an absence of a presence.
I wonder if Musk’s game plan is to break black letter election law then run the case to the Supreme Court, so it can declare that much of that longstanding body of law is unconstitutional. 1/
Since, according to this abomination of a Court, spending is speech, paying voters to register is like encouraging voters to register. Encouraging voters to register is your protected free expression, and it is your protected free expression to restrict your encouragements to register only to people who sign your petition. So any prohibition of paying people, or even paying a restricted class of people, to register is unconstitutional. 2/
Of course it follows that since encouraging restricted classes of people to vote is also free expression, paying only people in restricted classes only if they turn out to vote would also be protected by the First Amendment. /fin
i have this sneaking suspicion Israel attacks Iran like November 3.
So if you’re paying someone to sign a petition — or entering them into a daily lottery for $1M — and making being a registered voter a condition of signing, then you are paying people to register to vote if they are not registered already. Which is illegal.
They’ll call it lawfare. But election law exists to prevent precisely this kind of bullshit.
there’s a lot of science fiction in which protagonists are living out exciting stories against the backdrop of masses enduring dystopian or at best banal lives. welcome to the science fiction future! who did you, my statistically sophisticated reader, imagine you would end up?
distinguish yourself in character rather than in status.
it’s not AI. it’s Jungian engineering.
we’d be better off if journalists never used the word “experts” and provided more explicit descriptions of the sources on whom they rely.
what if the enemy within is a conscience?
i hate to screenshot the bad place and its pimp. but… is this legal?

i have created this content for you.
it’s not the choices per se made by organs like The New York Times that delegitimates them, as much as the sense they are triangulating — between their audiences prejudices, risks of blowback from disingenuous operatives, desire to retain access and privilege (and bodily freedom) regardless of the next administration.
that’s all understandable, but quite a different basis for decisionmaking that disinterested evaluations of truth, importance, and the public interest.
@artcollisions we split, spent a few days in Mobile AL. we were fortunate to find our little neck of the woods did not suffer too much. we thought our garage was likely to flood, but it didn’t.
@artcollisions Here in Pinellas County! 🙂
here in Pinellas County, if you wanna get picked up, dress as debris.
i remember in the 1980s angst over the “coarsening” of the American mind. i guess that was about obscenity and cuss words and pop-culture rather than classics and stuff. 1/
wherever you site yourself, whomever you vote for, contemporary political polarization has coarsened minds much more insidiously than all of that shit. 2/
we can’t think properly, can’t consider and weigh ideas, because we know the political valence or implication of every claim, and can’t avoid prejudging or overcompensating for prejudging it all. /fin
It’s absurd of Trump to pretend the incidence of tariffs falls entirely on foreign sellers of goods, but it is also disingenuous to claim the incidence would be solely on domestic consumers.